Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Production And Perfect Competition - Market Activity Coursework
Production And Perfect Competition - Market Activity - Coursework Example2 Losses to be incurred in shimmy B Fig. 3 Other Variances As croupe be observed with reference to the preceding(prenominal) illustrated calculations for both the cases A and B, the stanch is projected to witness signifi female genital organt changes in terms of its passing playes incurred. Apparently, in both the cases, the unwavering pass on sop up to suffer huge losses. However, when canvas both the cases, i.e. when the TFC is $1,000,000 and when the TFC is increased to $3,000,000, the firm go away have to suffer greater losses in Case B with the rise in its TFC. To be noted, with the TFC amounted to $1,000,000, the firm is projected to incur a loss of $400,000 whereas, with a TFC increment to $3,000,000, the firm will have to suffer a huge loss of $2,400,000. Considering the amount of cypher per unit and per work loss for the given cases, it can further be observed that the loss subject risks wil l increase substanti wholey if the firm decides to operate with a TFC of $3,000,000, which can further be deemed a unrecoverable without huge sums of additional investments. On the other hand, the losses incurred in case A can be deemed as recoverable for the firm, subjected to its strategic and managerial efficiencies (Schmitz Jr., 2005). Therefore, comparing and contrasting the changes in the cost variables which the firm might have to incur in both the cases A and B, it can be suggested that the firm should without delay shutdown when its TFC increases to $3,000,000, i.e. in case B. 2. For one of the cases, if the firm can operate at a loss in the short-run, how many employees need to be laid off in order for the company to commit even? Break-even is commonly defined as the situation when the integral revenue of a firm equals the total amount of costs incurred for a given quantity of output (Armstrong, 2006). In other words, when the firm will incur neither loss nor profit, it can be stated that the firm has reached its break-even. Considering the calculations in fig. 1 of the above section, it can be apparently observed that for case B, the firm will have to incur a huge loss of $2,400,000 and therefore should shutdown immediately. In contrast, when the TFC amounts to $1,000,000 in case A, the firm will have to incur a loss of $400,000. Hence, it can be affirmed that the company can operate at a loss in the short run when its TFC is $1,000,000 incurring lesser loss than that projected in case B. Furthermore, when the firm incurs $400,000 loss in case A, it shall have to lay off 5,000 employees, assuming all other variables to be fixed. To be specific, with the given daily wage rate of $80, the total wage for 45,000 workers (i.e. 50,000-5,000 workers) will amount to $400,000 which is again equivalent to the loss projected to be incurred by the firm with a TFC of $1,000,000. Therefore, by laying-off 5,000 employees, the firm will be able to reduce it vari able cost by $400,000 and consequently, will not have to incur any loss. In such circumstance, the total cost to be incurred by the firm will be, TFC ($1,000,000) + TVC ($4,400,000 - $400,000) = $5,000,000 equivalent to the total output of the firm. Hence, it can be concluded that by laying-off 5,000 employees, the firm can reach its break-even when TFC equals to $1,000,000. 3. Given a Lower Number of Employees Now Working at The Company, What is the Change in Worker Productivity? In the above illustrated calculations, it was derived that
Monday, April 29, 2019
If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants Essay
If I fork out seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants - Essay ExampleLeonardos father was one of the traders who traded in Bugia a Mediterranean port found in North Eastern Algeria. He always accompany his father on his journeys across North Africa, and through travelling, he gained valuable knowledge of the mathematical systems that were familiar in the countries they visited. After travelling for fifteen years, he quit his long travels and went back to his hometown (Robertson & OConnor, www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk). trance in Pisa, his hometown Leonardo decided to write books based on his mathematical foundation. Examples of these books include Liber Abaci, Practica Geometricae, Flos, Liber Quadratorum, among others. Influences from Indian, Arabian and Grecian mathematicians can be detected in his methods. Therefore, it is correct to say that Leonardos works represents the developments of results he acquired from his predecessors.Leonardos published his fir st work, Liber Abaci (Book of Abacus), in 1202. The Book of Abacus was based on algebra and calculations that he salt away during his several voyages. The book introduced the use of Arabic numerals and the Hindu-Arabic place value system into Europe 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 (Robertson & OConnor, www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk). Prior to this time, Roman numerals were being used in Europe, and they were extremely awkward for arithmetic. For example, I =1, V=5, X =10, among others. Leonardo also described in Latin the rules being learnt at elementary schools for subtracting, adding, dividing and multiplying numbers.Several arithmetic problems handled in the book were similar to the ones that appeared in the Arab sources. Liber Abacis second section contained several mathematical problems approach by merchants. These problems related to the pricing of goods, how profit calculations were to be conducted, how currencies used in the Mediterranean countries were to be converted, an d problems that had originated from China. The trey section
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Explain the Rise and Fall of Keynesianism Essay - 1
Explain the attire and Fall of Keynesianism - Essay ExampleIt then goes on to discuss the all the theories that led to the rise of the Keynesianism and opposite potentially his radical forms of theories (Milgate and Eatwell 62). As asserted by Leeson (263), one of the factors that led to the rise of Keynesianism was the Keynes stewardship and experience with the agreement Versailles. This pushed him in making a break from the previous theory models he had put across. He mired many individuals into a treaty which led to the formation of the Economic consequences of the Peace (ECP) (Auerbach). From the book, he was established as an economy that had practical political skill to influence the insurance policy making of the world economics at any summit. The peace treaties brought hope and expectation to the peoples development (Blinder 279). This also ensured unity and togetherness among the people. This shape up resulted in stability in the region and the nation at large which is requisite for a regional and economic development. Leeson (264) adds that an other(a) factor is the opulent standard. This was a monetary system which utilisationd a specific economic unit based on a fixed weight and amount of gold. There were deuce-ace types of gold standards the first one was the gold specie standard in which the monetary unit is associated with the cling to of circulating gold coins or has the value of certain circulating gold coin together with other less valuable coins (Milgate and Eatwell 69). The second one, the gold exchange standard which did not involve the use of gold but a government guaranteed fixed exchange rate with another country which does not use gold (Blinder 281). Finally we have a gold bullion standard system which does not summon gold but authorizes the selling of gold bullion on demand. This use of currency do Keynesianism a strong and powerful economy. Through this, many economies were attracted from different parts of the world in o rder to opinion for currency from them (Bleaney 265). During the 18th century when at that place were wars within Europe and trade deficit with China, silver as a currency was drained from the economy of many Western European countries. Countries like join realm created a massive recoinage program which acted as a currency reservoir for the UK. Unfortunately it came out that there was an exchange of unequal gold and silver currencies between the United Kingdom and Keynesianism. This later made Keynes so powerful and hence the rise (Yoshikawa 178). Keynesianism benefited from neo liberalism greatly. This is because the political philosophy they acquired enabled them to support economic liberalization. This allowed the Keynesianism to have their deliver economic theory and dominate it among the most powerful countries by then such as the United Kingdom and United States. Leeson (266) asserts that they had also a free trade and commercialise control that was an advantage which ma de them became powerful economic and revenue gainers in the market. In addition, Keynesianism had control also over open markets and privatization of the market (Leeson, 268). They could also deregulate the laws that are enacted by other market policies in their favor. Keynesianism also had an upper tip over in enacting his own market policies which would favor their market structure (Auerbach). This made them more powerful in controlling the economy of the region and hence their rise in power. Keynes had a stable monetary policy which had effectively demanded to
Saturday, April 27, 2019
REL133 wk 5 contemporary issues facing the assigned Eastern religious Essay
REL133 wk 5 contemporary issues face the assigned Eastern religious tradition - Essay ExampleThis means that these movements have something in joint with what societies understand as constituting theology. There is what can be considered as mainstream religions corresponding Christianity, Islam, Hindooism, Buddhism, atheism and so on. The circumstance that there ar some movements that are implicitly regarded as religions in their very nature and characteristics is an trait that all religions share a common characteristic or a number of characteristics which can be sorted out. One much(prenominal) religion that shares legion(predicate) characteristics with otherwise religions is Hinduism and, in this paper, the common characteristics that Hindu religion shares with other religions will be outlined and discussed. Like many other religions mythologies, Hindu mythology is rich, multifarious and inclusive. In this case, like many other religions, Hindu mythology is a portrayal of terrible in benevolence, triviality alongside the cosmic and sublimity in grotesque (Vaz, 2001). Many religions are based on these pillars and are not an ordinary ideation save an ideation of powers that are beyond human understanding. Apart from Christianity and Islam, most religions draw or associate the powers with some form and in many cases, the forms are numerous and hierarchical (Vaz, 2001). Like many religions, Hinduism has many gods and each god has its own association, function, and associated shape or form. Moreover, Hinduism like many other religions such as Islam, Christianity and Jewish religions draws their inspiration and religious knowledge from texts. Christianity draws from a number of texts combined into a tidings and Islam has a number of texts combined into a Quran. Hinduism has important texts such as Upanishad, Rig Veda and Bhagvad Gita usually referred to as the four Vedas or books of knowledge (Beversluis, 2000, p. 52). Religion constitutes a belief in a power and Hinduism, like many religions is a power and not an ordinary ideation. Hinduism acknowledges the presence of four major destructions namely material, triumph of desire, human position and beyond life. The acknowledgement of an existence beyond life is among all religions and entails a goal of achieving liberation from unending cycles of rebirth in which all living beings are locked. Like Christianity, Hinduism believes in the trio of god. While Christians acknowledge God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit Hinduism believes in Brahama the creator, Vishnu the Preserver and shibah the destroyer (Flood & Olivelle, 2003, p.273). Many religions integrate various heterogeneous elements and like them, Hinduism is a complex and a unbroken whole with religious, artistic, social and economic aspects. These aspects inhere in the fact that Hinduism, like many other religions, covers the unity of life. As a result, Hinduism is not fit explained in terms of a singl e definition but rather a characteristic. In addition, there are countless rituals that are associated with Hinduism as in other religions. Christianity, Islam and many other religions base their belief and knowledge on various rituals, which are meant to appease their gods and inspirit (Vijay, 2001). Hinduism is a religion that is associated with many gods and goddesses. Like many other polytheist religions, these gods are believed to rule the world. The three gods that are
Friday, April 26, 2019
Articles related to Managerial Accounting Essay
Articles related to Managerial Accounting - Essay ExampleThe accumulative salute, therefore, constitutes the job cost charged to the customer.The article successfully illustrates that a job parliamentary law be go about is utilized when the job in question is distinctive from other jobs or product batches. Just as learnt in the management accounting class, cost accounting is relatively simple in job order costing. This is because the cost of materials and labor be integrated on one job ticket. Further, other overhead cost are included in the total amount of money charged to a customer.The article intelligibly distinguishes job costing from process costing, by showing that their difference depends on the product being availed to a customer, hence the kind of production procedure followed. I therefore intentional that while process costing involves charging costs incurred in the course of production, job costing involves charging a specific job. I also learned that, cost assignm ent strategies and record keeping in job order costing, have higher complexness than in process costing. This is especially the case, if there are multiple services or products being provided. complexity is increased by the fact that different services or products result in different costs. This operator that for high efficacy in job costing, a company must maintain detailed cost records for every job or product.Summary This article recognizes the fact that in any business, there is a possibility of making profits, suffering losses or simply breaking even. The F&B organisation used as an example adopts a strategy of providing high quality soup at a fair price. This means that the variable costs incurred are high because of using ingredients of high quality, yet the exchange price stays at an average level. As a result, the contribution margin remains every bit average. Therefore, fixed expenses and generate profit, the business compensates low margin with high sales volume. This involves making sure that its outlets are
Thursday, April 25, 2019
The Use of Public Relations During the Ashlee Simpson Essay
The Use of Public Relations During the Ashlee Simpson - Essay ExampleThe aim of this paper is to thoroughly reason all of these reasons, especially in regards to how the use of public relations was used in this issue to go by her career alive her PR team not only got her out of the crisis but helped to put her binding in the spotlight. This is what will be dissertated in the following.Ashlee Nicole Simpson, born October 3, 1984, is an American pop rock singer and actress. to begin with known for being the younger sister of pop singer Jessica Simpson, Simpson eventually rose to prominence in her own right in mid-2004 through her chart topping album debut Autobiography and the consecutive MTV reality series The Ashlee Simpson Show. (Famous QT, 2006). Quoting herself as a simple girl in a complex adult male (Contact Music, 2006), it was only recently that Ashlee Simpson was on the rise to stardom.It was on the October 23/24, 2004 episode of Saturday Night Live that Ashlee Simpson was plan to perform as that nights featured musical guest. The first numbers she performed was Pieces of Me, which went through without any problems. However, when she began her second song of the night, Autobiography, the song Pieces of Me was heard again - including her birdcalls - before she had raised the microphone to her mouth. It was after this brutal turn of events that Simpson called in to the music video show Total Request Live and explained that due to complications arising from a severe variation of dot reflux (which had previously been seen in The Ashlee Simpson Show) she had completely lost her voice and her doctor had advised her not to sing. (Wikipedia, 2006). This adventure caused a tremendous amount of trouble for the young singer, as the public began doubting her singing talents at all and labeling her as nothing but a lip-syncher. As well, Visitors have flooded her site and bashed Simpson on her official web sites forum, the media continues to write articles and industry pros are speaking out about the use of vocal tracks during performances. (Duncan, 2004). There have been many arguments made which have stemmed from this that base around the fact that Simpson is a manufactured artist with little singing talent. It has also been argued that Simpsons image (instead of her music) is the reason for her continued success. (Wikipedia, 2006). A public relations team is responsible for Public relations specialists (who are also referred to as communications specialists and media specialists, among other titles) serve as advocates for persons. Public relations is the art and science of building relationships between an organization and its key publics in this case Ashlee Simpson and the public (more specifically, her younger, more targeted audience). Celebrities tend to be fans of the saying that any publicity is good publicity, meaning that regardless of whether it is good or bad publicity, it is still good for their reputation, in that it is still a means of getting their name talked about among the public. If a celebrity says or does something embarrassing, he or she will often turn it into a strength and coiffure it part of his or her image. (Wikipedia, 2006). However, in this situation, Ashlee Simpsons PR team did have to fix some immediate legal injury in order to fix the
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
IT - Bit Torrent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
IT - Bit Torrent - act ExampleThe partners of BitTorrent have been segregated into different categories which include venture capital, technology and device. The partners of the company in telling to venture capital include Accel, DCM and DAG Ventures. The technology related partners include Virgin Media, Opera software and ESA Flash Components. The device associated partners of the company include D-Link, I-O Data and Buffalo. The aforementioned partners intend to work with BitTorrent with the intention of lamentable ahead in the business market competition (BitTorrent Inc., Partners). Thesis Statement The paper intends to make a detailed analysis about a particular technology i.e. BitTorrent deoxyribonucleic acid which is used by a peer-to-peer file sharing based company namely BitTorrent while transmitting queen-sized files through the median(a) of internet to its several viewers. The purpose of implementing the abovementioned technology along with its various implications will be taken into doctor in the discussion. Discussion An Overview of BitTorrent DNA It has been apparent to the fact that there lies the necessity of developing as thoroughly as implementing efficient technologies in order to perform various technological related operations such as sharing, allocating and delivering huge files through internet. ... sourceful content delivery based technology which is acknowledged as BitTorrent DNA for the reason of considerably reducing particularly the bandwidth costs which are involved during distributing, sharing as intumesce as delivering the large files. This particular technology contributes towards improving the working performance as well as the scalability of the websites on behalf of the company (BitTorrent Inc., Company Overview). Purpose of Introducing BitTorrent DNA The company constantly desires to share and deliver large files such as streaming video and music files among others to its several partners. In order to fulfill this desire, BitTorrent has introduced an modernistic service based technology i.e. BitTorrent DNA which is also recognized as BitTorrent Delivery Network gas that assists the company in sharing along with delivering large files to its large base of users. The technology successfully generates a virtual network of the computers of the viewers and thus enables to speed up the download of popular files from the servers which can be easily shared amid the users. The crucial facet of this technology is that it performs the aforementioned act with more transparency. Moreover, the significant distinction for which BitTorrent utilizes the technology is that it reduces the bandwidth costs by a considerable extent through which the company can crystallise maximum revenue along with making huge savings (AOL Inc. BitTorrent DNA Torrenting No Longer A Dirty Word). The other major purpose of implementing the technology of BitTorrent DNA by the company is to authorize superior customer satisfacti on by enabling to make downloads of the large files at a higher(prenominal) speed. The downloadable options mainly include streaming videos, music files, downloading
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Chronic physical health problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Chronic physical health problem - Essay casingThe major considerations in primary ginmill of health problems include applying efforts to prevent diseases before they occur and espousal of measures to protect ourselves and others from unhygienic lifestyle. Nursing community can be involved in primary prevention by raising awareness among the patients about healthy lifestyle and strengthening their abilities to cope with physical and environmental stresses. Secondary prevention revolves around detecting ahead of time symptoms, taking steps to shorten the pathological process, and restoring the modal(prenominal) patients normal state of life. Nursing community can get involved in this by being responsible enough to keep the record of all the laboratory investigations so that early symptoms could be identified. Tertiary phase of prevention is primarily based on making efforts to raise the public presentation level of patients once the disease passes into irreversible phase. Nursing staff can play its role here(predicate) by utilizing the clinical knowledge so that awareness could be raised among patients about how they can take their lifestyle within the constraints of the disability (Lundy & Janes, 2009, p.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Entrepreneurial Business Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Entrepreneurial Business Principles - Essay utilisationIn 2007 an innovative product that caught the attention of the market was the iPhone. It is imperative for companies to invest in research and growth to spur innovation inwardly the dissolute.A third line of merchandise principle that is essential for the success of entrepreneurs is teamwork. Teamwork has proceed a critical success factor in the 21st century. When teamwork breaks down within a firm the members of the group find it difficult to accomplish theirs tasks and goals (Cross, 2013). Teamwork within an organization can be enhanced by providing the employees of a company with training to develop important skills such as leadership, communication, and collaboration. A fourth business principle that is important for the success of entrepreneurs is active listening skills. Businesspeople must understand that the opinions of others are of immenseness since products should be developed based on the desires of the target customers. Listening to others also improves the communication process within a
Instrument Improvements of the Nineteenth Century and the Effects on Essay
Instrument Improvements of the Nineteenth Century and the Effects on the Wind reverberate - Essay ExampleThere turn in been many different versions of jazz instruments as they too have slowly evolved and alterd with the passage of time. It is the intention of this paper to demonstrate how the invention of modern day wind instruments helped to bring the wind hatful out of the realm of pure functionality, and into the realm of artistic expression. Through the additions and advance of modern wind instruments, the wind band is becoming another respected art medium. It was through the workplace of European wind instrument makers that all of the wind instruments gained the ability to play chromatic notes, allowing them to play melodies, and step by step changing the role of the wind band from one of functionality to artistic expression. In this paper, it is argued, wind band eyepatch attaining this status by way of instrument improvements, facilitated better scope for individual pe rformance within the band without sacrificing the element of harmony and this was what contributed to the growth of wind bands as an artistic medium. Background The proposition that invention and phylogeny led to wind bands entering musical life in a big way, is an acknowledged fact.2 The major(ip) developments in this realm have been, the invention of saxophone, use of pistons in brass instruments, use of pistons in woodland wind instruments, improvements made to the clarionet by bass and contrabass, development of a new form of oboe by incorporating contrafaggotto, and the emergence of the new brass instruments in the lower bass section.3 These changes and improvements were either make simply by enthusiastic innovators or were made on demand from the master composers in array to meet their creative requirements.4 Above four thousand patents for innovations were allocated in France alone in the 19th cytosine and among them, piano and wind instruments were the majority.5 In g eneral, it was to bridge over the long gaps and intervals between the open notes that all systems of valves, slides and keys be intended.6 This enhanced the quality of the music being produced and provided wind band music with an added dimension of individualism. Theobald Boehm The earlier alert forms of wind instruments were so under-developed that the creation of harmony using them was a near impossibility.7 In the early nineteenth century, European instrument makers were hard at work trying to devise a way to improve the tuning of wind instruments. The keyed bugle was the invention in the series of improvements to wind instruments and the inventor was Joseph Halliday to whom the point of intersection was patented.8 Theobald Boehm (1794-1881) was born in Germany and was a professional flautist who became dissatisfied with the tone quality and imperfect utensil of the old-style conical bore flute.9 He decided to redesign his own flute after audience a concert given by Charles Nicholson in London.10 Boehm was impressed by Nicholsons powerful tone emaciated from his large-holed flute. In 1832, Boehm emerged from his shop in Munich with a new large-holed conical bore flute that incorporated employment rings with which to cover the 14 newly placed tone holes.11 Boehm did not start making rounded flutes until 1847 after studying and applying the science of acoustics to his instrument making.12 It would be another
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Evidence Based Medicine in General Practice Essay
Evidence Based Medicine in General apply - Essay ExampleAs the report declares EBM endeavors to illuminate those elements of medical practice that are in linguistic rule subject to scientific methods and put these methodological carrys to enhance eminent forecast of upshots in medical healing, still as discussion about which results are enviable persists.This discussion stresses that a clerical anthropological decipher of attack was employed to analyze inter-reliance with reference to the healthcare teamwork. This line of attack is embedded on the function of ethnographic fieldwork by means of participant observation. Corporations are conceptualized as a civilizing phenomenon with their own edifying principles and models that check the traits of workers. Ethnography approach has been widely employed in health management reviews. It is viewed as a port of accessing beliefs and traditions enhancing these to be conceived in the context in which they occur and aiding the understan ding of traits of actors. The opinion polls were conducted for a level of 6 months with 30 interrogations involving doctors as well as nurses that are group participants in hospice sections this include utilitarian rooms, intensive care units as well as ward areas in a colossal instruct hospice in Australia. Precise cataloguing was employed. Scholars employed semi-configured opinion polls and contestant inspection. Those that were interviewed consist of surgeons, anaesthetists, nurse overseers, and foster clinicians. (Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C, 1999). methodological analysisMethodology is the selection of the variety and type of entropy and information to gather, method of analyzing the data and information and the coffin nail group or audience from the data is to be ga in that locationd. There are various types of methodologies that can be used for the data collection, collation and compilation of the research. The importance of methodology in an approach to acquire co ngress data in regard evidence based medicine from the general practitioners point of view. The hypothesis revolving slightly any topic can be better analysed through the data on which it is built. There cannot be any investigation without hypothesis. Hypothesis defines the aims and objectives of an investigation and leads to the development of sound methodology.Phenomenology is one of the methodologies used in philosophical research which was first used by mathematician Edmund Husserl. The core of this methodology includes use of reflective techniques of bracketing and reduction to unveil the data which is actually required by the researchers. A wide range of literature analysis offered the hypothetical pull against which the examination stretched out. Since this review is beyond being innovative, it is however, not probable to establish a direct compare that flanks the results and the findings carried from preceding lessons, (Wadland WC, Barry et al 1999). Whereas there are cop ious studies that feature obstruction to engaging with the EBM replica of concern, there exist incongruity in their approaches and interpretative line is oriented on borderline arguments as barricades that grumble treatment discrepancy at the bottom line if often the
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Quality Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
flavor - investigate Paper ExampleThe report discusses the quality of something related to line of reasoning that has fitness for purpose. Quality force out be conditional, perpetual or subjective with respect to different wrinklees and different people. The concept quality is seen differently by different people and different creasees. Quality is also judged differently by different departments within the affaires (Reeves & Bednar, 1994). Quality is judged differently by customers of the business so the business also has to look at the customers perspective of perceiving quality. Like we can say the quality for the producer of the products is differently perceived and is measured found on the conformance of quality or may also be judged based on the breaker point to which the service or product has been produced in a correct way (Lee, Strong, Kahn & Wang, 2002). The report further dwells on the analysis of the term quality within the context of five aspects and has a conclu sion based on the overall analysis.In this competitive business world the term quality in basis of business can be defined as meeting the expectations and unavoidably of the customers and consumers of the service and products. Quality in business is the relation between the business, its product and customer. Through continuous assessment, analysis and by meeting all needs of customer, extremity, business and its employees, this relation is maintained. Quality may include several aspects in business terms merely there is no specific definition in which quality can be defined. The term business is dynamic and cannot be summarized in single area of working (Huxtable, 1994).Quality in business can be defined in various ways. One way is to define quality in terms of the relationship which business shares with its product and customers. The other way of defining quality in terms of business can be through customers perception of how they value the product. The human factor and proces s cannot
Friday, April 19, 2019
Week 7 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Week 7 - Case Study ExampleThis seems to be to be like a secret society of sorts with the requirements being you must be rich and effective within the world of finance. The fact that these nine people can change the prices, policies and procedures at any(prenominal) clock to benefit themselves is wrong when it comes to the public trading arena. While the entire finance world has to goal of fashioning money for their company and themselves, it should not be done to the detriment of the consumer. The consumer needs these products and should have the right to tout ensemble of the cost information since they are paying for it and they should be entitled to these prices upfront and should be accompanied with an commentary if asked for one by the consumer. In short, there needs to be some oversight and regulations.2. I do not believe that the secrecy in the derivative market should be allowed to continue. Something should be done to give rise transparency. I agree that buyers and se llers have a responsibility to learn about how derivatives work, but if the fees are unbroken secret, that is a problem. How can buyers and sellers be expected to participate if they dont know all the cost? The trading of derivatives should be transparent in terms of costs and should not be managed by honest a few who can make policies and procedures, as well as set the fees, for their own benefit. In any other industry, the costs of the product or service are made public to consumers and thusly consumers can determine what or if they purchase. There is no reason that the derivative market should be any different. I can understand that the nine people controlling this market would like to keep it so it benefits them and their companies however, it is not good for the American public. It is taking advantage of people. This seems like it should be illegal. There are laws and regulations preventing this in other industries so why is the derivative market different? There doesnt seem to be any reason why this market is
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Game Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Game advertizement - Essay ExamplePricewaterhouseCoopers estimates that the online gaming industry is set to grow $55 billion in 2009 (Video Games 2006). It should in like manner be noted that the gaming industry grows at an astounding double digit rate of 25% annually.Business organizations have been very quick to realize the potential profit gain from this segment. Massive Incorporated, which is the worlds outset video game keep company, operates with the mission of aggregating the gaming audience to deliver advertising across a net of premier video titles and providing measured results on consumer interaction with the advertising. Double conjugation is an Israeli in-game advertising company established in the summer of 2004. The business model of Double Fusion is very much alike(p) to that of Massive. The product line of Double Fusion ranges from dynamic advertisements, integrated advertising, and around game inventory (Double Fusion 2006). In Game Advertising (IGA) seeks t o provide advertising services with its global estimator video game media and advertising network.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Consumer behaviour in the ethnic food market Personal Statement
Consumer behaviour in the ethnic food market - Personal line of reasoning ExampleThis kind of liberty has somehow made the process intimidating.Writing a dissertation in the first place entails the hard task of simultaneously coming up with a significant design. At the start, I stool to let myself be open to every input such as lectures and class discussions, books and articles I read, cogency as substantially to journals I encountered. To refrain from losing the important facts and information, I hurt to put things that interest me into a journal. Ive also tried doing some sort of research or survey wherein I have asked senior students and even faculties on what types of topics did they have for dissertation and have let them share their experiences as they get under ones skin along the process. Their stories have somehow served as my inspiration and a challenge to do my best with such wearisome and get fulfilling task. These motivations and the knowledge that my study could be of broad contribution and significance in the future researches had unploughed me going.With my limited knowledge on major scholarly topics that are most important in my field, and having the great topics already used up I have to do some general reading in the field to come up with a significant and original topic. ... Considering the scope manageability and the significance of the perpetually rising Halal market particularly in Tesco retail setting, we have agreed that I should rivet on that topic. With the help of my tutor, I manage to have a firm grasp of the facts in my case, and have been dedicated to answer vital why and how questions within the topic. Trends and outcomes in ethic food marketing, as well as their causes essential be dealt with despite their apparent unavailability. Dissertation involves series of intricate process that call for full attention, hard work, and consistency. Coming up with the mere title is rather challenging. The author must come up wi th a clear, succinct, simple yet fully explanatory and can perfectly reflect the meaning of the whole document. After long reflection, several rejections and experts advice, I finally came up with the title Consumer Behavior in the Ethnic Food Market, believing that it will best suit my topic in the clearest and simplest manner.This is whence succeeded with review of literature, a considerably long part of the whole paper that supposed to provide the ratifier with a summary of the current knowledge related to the topic to be studied. I have erudite to utilize all great facilities in the universities.After filing some initial paperwork from graduate school, I immediately began with my review of literature. Reading thru all the files I have gathered, I was somewhat disappointed to invite out that some of it was actually irrelevant if not far from what I should focus on. I must have been very eager to gather an enormous information by only looking at their titles and carelessly br owsing its contents, that I have failed to realize that I those would just take me out of my topic.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Ethics in Public Administration Essay Example for Free
Ethics in earthly concern Administration EssayThe national bicentennial in 1976 marked 2 important birthdays for open g all overning body. It was the ninetieth anniversary of the appearance of the first fully developed essay on what was considered a modern or at to the lowest degree a set forthly identified field earth administration. In that essay, the recent political scientist Woodrow Wilson (1941) wrote the now famous words, administration lies come forwardside the proper sphere of politics. Administrative questions are non political questions although politics sets the tasks for administration, it should not be suffered to manipulate its offices. And it was exactly fifty years since the openation of Leonard uncontaminating (1926) text, Introduction to the Study of Public Administration, the first in the field. Whites book was, for his time, an advanced and sophisticated attempt to connect the science of organization and the science of administration. Where as Wilson had argued that public administration is a field of business and should be separate from politics, White forty years later countered that public administration give the bounce be effective just now if it constitutes an integration of the guess of organisation and the theory of administration.As fields or professions go, public administration is young. Its ahead of time impetus was truly much connected with civil dish up reform, the city manager movement, the good government movement, and the paidization of the administrative apparatus of government. It was in this era that principles of administration were developed and the first academic programs in the field were established at American universities. This was a heady era, during which the United States civil service was developed, an renewal adopted in many American states and municipalities.Formal corpses of budgeting and purchasing were adopted, and new(prenominal) aspects of the science of management were employ to government affairs. Many of the azoic leaders in this reform movement also played out important political roles, around notably Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Public administration was new, a response to a rapidly changing government. The second era in public administration could be said to hold begun with the stamp and the New Deal, followed by World War II.This era was characterized by the remarkably rapid development of the government, oddly at the national level, the development of major(ip) American complaisant programs, and ultimately the development of a capacious defense program. At this time it became apparent that a large and centralized government can run heroic tasks. Patterns were being developed and attitudes framed for the conduct of American government and the practices of public administration for the flood tide twenty years. This era also produced most of the major American scholars in public administration who were to persist the scene from the 1940s into the 1970s.The period that followed was characterized by rapid growth in the public service and by extensive suburbanization and urbanization. But it was also a period of great questioning of the purposes and premises of public administration. A broad variety of kindly programs and services were developed, a cold war machine was maintained, and the public service go on some(prenominal) to grow and to professionalize. It seemed as if such expansion could go on end slightly. But by the mid-1960s several crises were developing simultaneously. In many counsels, these crises seemed in part to result from the excesses of an earlier time.In early(a) ways, they seemed to be an expression of old and unanswered problems built into our society and our system of government. The urban crisis resulted from relentless suburbanization government solitary(prenominal)(prenominal)y supported. The racial crisis is closely connected, resulting in part from the serious ghettoi zation of American minorities in the central sections of our great cities. As the central cities have deteriorated, so have their public services. We continue to have unacceptable levels of unemployment, especi solelyy among minorities.And our offbeat system is badly overloaded. The rapid depletion of our fuel resources results in an energy crisis, which comes hard on the heels of the environmental crisis. And, of course, thither is health care, transportation, and on and on. All of these crises have affected public administration. Three particular events or activities occurred amidst the mid-1960s and 1970s that indelibly marked the society and the government and, hence, public administration the war in Vietnam, the urban riots and continued racial strife, and Watergate.These crises and events resulted in new government programs and changed ways of thinking about and practicing public administration. Frederick C. Mosher and only whentocks C. H wizy studied the characteristics a nd composition of the public service in the mid-1960s. 3 Their basic finding was that most public servants feel little or no identity with the field of public administration. Few have ever had a course and fewer still hold a degree in the subject. Public administration at the time seemed to have a rather narrow definition of its purposes, centering generally on budgeting, personnel, and organization and management problems.Most public servants, it was found, position with some or another professional field, such as education, community planning, law, public health, or engineering. Even many of those who would be expected to identify with public administration are more particularly interested in some subset of the field, such as finance, personnel, policy analysis, and the like. in that location was very little policy emphasis in public administration very little discussion of defense policy, environmental policy, economic policy, urban policy. in that location was, at the time , much public lecture of public administration as everyones second profession. Education for public administration in the mid-1960s hardly sparkled. The early furor of the reformers had died. The American Society for Public Administration was beginning to struggle. By the late 1970s, public administration had changed, both in its practice and its teaching. There are many indicators the Intergovernmental Personnel Act Title IX of the Higher Education Act the Federal Executive Institute and the Federal Executive Seminars the remarkable growth and vigor of education for public service the Presidents Management Intern Program the Harry S.Truman Foundation the surface and quality of ASPA the development of the Consortium on Education for the Public Service several HUD grants to public administration-related activities a much heavier policy emphasis a renewed concern for ethics and deterrent exampleity in government service and the continued professionalization of the public service c oupled with refinement of management methods at all levels of government. To affix the label new to anything is risky business. The risk is doubled when newness is attributed to ideas, thoughts, concepts, paradigms, theories.Those who claim new thinking ply to regard previous thought as old or jejune or both. In response, the authors of previous thought are defensive and inclined to suggest that aside from having packaged earlier thinking in a new vocabulary there is little that is really new in so-called new thinking. Accept, therefore, this caveat Parts of new public administration would be recognized by Plato, Hobbes, Machiavelli, Hamilton, and Jefferson as swell up as by many modern behavioral theorists.The newness is in the way the fabric is woven, not inescapably in the togs that are used. And the newness is in arguments as to the proper use of the fabric however threadbare. The threads of the public administration fabric are well known. Herbert Kaufman describes them sim ply as the pursuit of these basic determine representativeness, politically electroneutral competence, and executive leadership (Kaufman, 1969). In different times, one or the other of these value receives the greatest emphasis. Representativeness was preeminent in the Jacksonian era.The eventual reaction was the reform movement emphasizing neutral competence and executive leadership. Now we are witnessing a revolt against these values accompanied by a search for new modes of representativeness. Others have argued that changes in public administration resemble a zero-sum game surrounded by administrative efficiency and political responsiveness. Any increase in efficiency results a priori in a decrease in responsiveness. We are simply entering a period during which political responsiveness is to be purchased at a cost in administrative efficiency.Clearly, the most interesting developments in modern public administration are not empirical but are philosophical, normative, and specu lative. In public administration, the phrase favorable equity has emerged as a shorthand way of referring to the concerns and opinions of those who are challenging coetaneous theory and practice. As yet, the phrase social equity, however, has little substance or precision. The problem of equity is as old as government. Dwight Waldo (1972) requests out that much governmental action in the United States has not been simply discriminatory but massively and harshly so.Much governmental action has also, however, been directed toward achieving equality paradoxically, action to assure assimilation and uniformity also has sometimes been insensitive and coercive. Equality, he concludes, is central to the understanding of much recent and contemporary public administration. It has been seriously suggested that social equity be a standard by which public decision makers, both in the bureau and the academy, assess and evaluate their behavior and decisions.Social equity, then, would be a cr iterion for metier in public administration in the same way that efficiency, economy, productivity, and other criteria are used. Whenever an ethic or standard for behavior is described, it is essential to proffer an accompanying caveat. In the present gaffe, the social equity point of view will need to be buffered by recognition first that there is a gamey ethical content in most significant public decisions public problems do not knuckle under simply to factual analysis.This being the case, if the public servant is to be an interpreter of events and an influencer, if not a manufacturing business of decisions, what, then, should be included in the standards of ethical behavior that guide the public servant? Surely the standards of ethics and morality that are applicable and sufficient to a citizen in private or in social relationships are not adequate for the public decisions of an administrator. And it is now increasingly clear that the decision problems faced by these adminis trators are seldom black or white in relation to their ethical content and consequences.There often is really no one best way, but rather a decision should be made that maximizes such results as are attainable given the resources available and minimizes negative side effects. And finally, one must accept the proposition that politics and administrative organizations are themselves the best protectors of administrative morality provided that they are open, public, and participatory. Within this context, then, we pursue the development of a social equity ethic for public administration. Modern public administration cannot assume these conditions away.Certainly pluralistic governments (practicing majority rule, coupled with advocatorful minorities with special forms of access) systematically take away in favor of established, stable bureaucracies and their specialized clientele and against those minorities who lack political and economic resources. Thus general and deep inequity ar e perpetuated. The long-range continuation of widespread and deep inequities poses a threat to the continued existence of this or any political system. Continued deprivation amid plenty breeds hopelessness and her companions, anger and militancy.A public administration that fails to work for changes that try to address this deprivation will likely eventually be used to oppress the deprived. What new public administration is striving for, then, is equity. Blacks Law Dictionary (1957) defines equity in its broadest and most general signification Equity denotes the spirit and the habit of fairness and justness and right dealing which would rate the intercourse of men with men, the rule of doing to all others, as we desire them to do to us or, as it is verbalised by Justinian, to live honestly, to harm nobody, to render every man his due. It is therefore, the synonym of natural right or jurist. But in this sense its obligation is ethical rather than jural, and its discussion belongs to the sphere of morals. It is grounded in the precepts of the sense of right and wrong not in any sanction of positive law. Equity, then, is an issue that we will find to be a question of ethics. We will also find it to be a question of law. The foremost theorist short supporting a concept of equity in government is John Rawls (1971). In his book A Theory of Justice, he sets out a splendid framework for a fundamental equity ethic.When dissertation of our government institutions, Rawls states For us the primary subject of justice is the basic structure of society, or more exactly, the way in which the major social institutions distribute fundamental rights and duties and determine the division of advantages from social cooperation. By major institutions I understand the political constitution and the principal economic and social arrangements. Justice, then, is the basic principle and is controlling over other principles in Rawlss form of ethics. Rawls begins his theory with a definition of the individual or citizen and states individually person possesses an inviolability founded on justice that even the welfare of society as a whole cannot override. For this apprehension justice denies that the loss of freedom for some is made right by the greater good overlap by others. It does not allow that the sacrifices imposed on a few are outweighed by the large sum of advantages enjoyed by many. Therefore, in a just society the liberties of equal citizenship are taken as settled the rights secured by justice are not subject to political bargaining or to the potassium bitartrate of social interest.In developing his theory, Rawls suggests an intellectual device or technique by which the principles of equity can be set forth. The first and most important intellectual technique is the notion of lord position. The original position constitutes an musical arrangement upon the most basic principles of justice upon which all of the basic structures of society (so cial, economic, and political) will be predicated. The principles of justice that emerge are both final and binding on all Since the original check up onment is final and made in perpetuity, there is no second chance. To make this theory operative, Rawls then proposes two principles of justice The first principle is to have an equal right to the most extensive total system of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar system of liberty for all. The second principle is that social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are both (a) to the greatest benefit to the least advantaged, consistent with the just savings principle, and (b) attached to offices and positions open to all under conditions of fair equality and opportunity. 11 These two principles, then, are to be a right of the same significance or order as the present rights as we understand them in government. stag further states According to Rawls, acceptance of the two principles of justice means that the collective efforts of society would be concentrated in behalf of its less advantaged members. This does not mean that all inequalities would disappear and all good will be equally distributed to achieve parity throughout the society. There would still be disparities in income and status.But there is an irreducible minimum of primary goods (such as self-respect, rights and liberties, power and opportunities, income and wealth) that are due every man, and the minimum must be met. 12 Rawls states that this is a strongly equalitarian conception in the sense that unless there is a distribution that makes both persons better off (limiting ourselves to the two-person case for simplicity), an equal distribution is to be preferred. 13 It is obvious that Rawls theory of justice is vastly different from other contemporary patterns of moral reasoning.Rawls does not argue it because it is good or right but rather because there is an increasing importance to the interdependence of persons t hat makes notions of advantages and disadvantages less and less acceptable. It is a pervasive sense of noblesse oblige or a sense of eternity among people. Rawls states that in justice as fairness men agree to share one anothers fate. In designing institutions they undertake to avail themselves of the accidents of nature and social circumstances only when doing so is for the common benefit. Because not all persons are genetically equal, the more advantaged have a moral duty to serve all others including the disadvantaged, not for altruistic reasons but because of the significance of human interdependence. As Hart (1974) says, One serves because justice requires it and the result is the continuous enhancement of self-respect. Just actions, then, not only create the optimal condition for human life, they also are a major element in the rationalization of self. Although all of this theory and definition is interesting, we live in a world of large and very complex organizations where t he application of such concepts is difficult. This is also a world in which organizations tend to elevate their own needs over individual needs and goals. The problem is one of making complex organizations responsible to the needs of the individual. This requires rising to a higher place the rules and routines of organization to some concern for the self-respect and dignity of the individual citizen.Rawlss theory is designed to instruct those who plow organizations that the rights of individuals would be everywhere protected. Hart summarizes this approach to social equity with the following (1) The theory of justice would provide social equity with an ethical content. Acceptance of the theory of justice would provide the equitable public administrator with clear, well-developed ethical guidelines which would give social equity the force that it now lacks.(2) The theory of justice could provide the indispensable ethical consensus -that the equitable public administrator has both the duty and the obligation to deploy his efforts on behalf of the less advantaged. (3) The theory of justice would impose constraints upon all complex public organizations since no organization would be allowed to entrench upon the basic liberties of individuals. (4) The theory of justice would provide a means to resolve ethical impasses (the original position). (5) The theory of justice would provide a professional code for public administration that would require a fealty to social equity (Hart, 1974).
View from a Bridge - Arthur Miller Essay Example for Free
View from a Bridge Arthur moth miller EssayChoose a play in which there is a scene involving intense emotion. Show how the dramatist makes you aw atomic number 18 of the intensity of the emotion in the scene and discuss the importance of the scene to the drama as a whole. In his play A View from the Bridge, Arthur Miller successfully conveys to the audience the tensions, desirousy, hostility and raw emotions between the characters in one crabbed scene at the end of Act 1 in his play. A View from the Bridge centres hertz the Carbone family who stay in Brooklyn New York, Eddie the header of the family is an ordinary man part of the local Italian union who is master in his own house. Eddie believes that it is a mans place to formula after and protect his family and as head of the household he is used to laying down the rules. Eddie and his wife Beatrice take on the responsibility of flavour after Eddies late sisters daughter Catherine who Eddie brings up as if she was his o wn but it soon becomes clear that Eddies feelings are deeper than those of a protective uncle, he is in love with his niece. The arrival of two of his wifes relatives from Italy, Marco and Rodolpho is at offshoot welcomed by Eddie, he is happy to hide the illegal immigrants.However when Rodolpho assumes to show an interest in Catherine, Eddie becomes increasingly jealous and hostile towards both men, in particular Rodolpho, but he bottles up his feelings. At the end of the first Act things come to a head and his jealousy, hostility and obsession with Catherine is made obvious when he in the long run realises that his efforts to stop Catherine and Rodolpho marrying are going nowhere. Eddie resorts to violence under the pretence of teaching Rodolpho to box merely as an excuse to have him.Forced to watch Catherine and Rodolpho getting close as they dance together Eddies critical comments about Rodolphos manliness clearly show his hostility to Rodolpho He sings, he cooks, he could make dresses I cant cook, I cant sing, I cant make dresses, so Im on the water front. notwithstanding if I could cook, if I could sing, if I could make dresses, I wouldnt be on the water front. The stage guardianship tells us that Eddie has been unconsciously twisting the newspaperhe is tense, like a spring waiting to unwind and this eventually happens and things are brought to a head when he offers to teach Rodolpho to box and what starts out as a seemingly harmless sparring session leads to Eddie hitting his opponent with needless force a accompaniment which is noticed by everybody in the room. Marco rises from his seat and Catherine quickly rushes to Rodolphos side Eddie aware that he has taken things a step to far and tries to coer his tracks by saying that he punched too hard by shot I didnt hurt him. Did I hurt you, kid? However Eddie has overstepped the mark and in an attempt to discredit Rodolpho he angers Marco who is careful not to verbally threaten his host, consu mmations speak louder than words. Marco challenges Eddie to lift a chair when it is in a certain position but Eddie fails the challenge. Marco then successfully lifts the chair above his head powering over a frightened Eddie. The stage bearings describe Marco as He kneels, grasps and with strain slowly raises the chair higher(prenominal) and higher, getting to his feet they go on to describe howMarco is face to face with Eddie, a strained tension grip his eyes and jaw, his neck stiff, the chair raised like a weapon over Eddies head-and he transforms what force appear to be a glare of warning into a smile of triumph Marco is obviously grownup a warning to Eddie to not continue to mess around, and make fun of his brother by showing him the danger he invites. The audience can tell at once that this is a very spectacular point in the play Catherine and Rodolpho who have resumed dancing immediately stop. The stage directionRodolpho and Catherine have stop dancing in the middle of th is hostile situation shows that they are aware that Marco has also taken things a little too far. Miller also describes Eddie when Marco is glaring at him His grin vanishes as he absorbs his look this action by Eddie clearly shown both Marco and the audience that Marco has achieved what he set out to do, give Eddie a warning and this is highlighted by the fact that as soon as Eddies expression turns to one of fear Marco looks at him and his own expression changes into a victorious smile.The feelings revealed in this act of the play an important part in the relationships between the characters in the remainder of the play. The hostility and anger felt by Eddie magnifies. Eddies obsession with his niece finally leads him to hit Rodolpho when he becomes aware that the two have slept together. In the end Catherine finally decides to marry Rodolpho and Eddie decides that he has no choice but to inform the Immigration Bureau that he has been hiding two illegal immigrants.Eddie takes this action despite earlier comments that Its an honour to give the men refuge. In breaking his code of honour Eddie loses everything the wish of his neighbours, his friends and his family and in the final scenes of the play he comes head to head with and angry and betrayed Marco, cowardly brandishing a tongue Eddie attacks Marco but in self defence Marco turns the knife on Eddie fatally stabbing him. Arthur Miller modishly sets the tone of the play during the hostile scene in Act 1.The domestic harmony that exists at the start disappears and the audience learns quickly about Eddies obsession and his obvious frustration and anger towards his nieces admirer. Miller uses stage direction to show the audience the true extent of the raw emotions felt by the characters and to show the drama and crisis which finally climaxes in the death of the main character. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This learner written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GC SE Arthur Miller section.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Story of Aged Mather Essay Example for Free
Story of Aged Mather EssayLong, long ago there lived at the foot of the mountain a poor farmer and his aged, widowed suffer. They owned a bit of demean which supplied them with food, and their humble were peaceful and happy. Shining was governed by a despotic leader who though a warrior, had a great and cowardly shrinking from anything suggestive of failing health and strength. This caused him to send out a unrelenting proclamation.The entire province was given strict orders to immediately put to death all aged people. Those were condemnable days, and the custom of abandoning white-haired people to die was not common. The poor farmer loved his aged mother with tender r eerence, and the order filled his heart with sorrow. But no one ever thought a second time about obeying the mandate of the governor, so with many an(prenominal) deep hopeless sighs, the youth prepared for what at that time was considered the kindest mode of death.Just at sundown, when his days work was end ed, he took a quantity of un whitened rice which is principal food for poor, cooked and dried it, and tying it in a real cloth, swung and bundle around his neck along with a gourd filled with cool, sweet water. Then he lifted his helpless old mother to his back and stated on his painful journey up the mountain. The road was long and steep then arrowed road was crossed and re crossed by many paths made by the hunters and woodcutters. In some place, they mingled in a confused puzzled, but he gave no heed.On path or another, it mattered not. On he went, climbing blindly upward A ever upward towards the high bare summit of what is known as Obatsuyama, the mountain of the abandoning of aged. The eyes of the old mother were not so dim but that they noted the reckless hastening from one path to another, and her winsome heart grew anxious. Her son did not know the mountains many paths and his return might be one of danger, so she stretched forth her hand and snapping the twigs from
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Frederick Life and Times of Frederick Douglass Essay Example for Free
Frederick Life and Times of Frederick Douglass EssayFrederick Douglass (born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, February 1818 February 20, 1895) was an American emancipationist, editor, author, salesman, and reformer. Douglass is one of the most cock-a-hoop figures in African American history and a formidable public presence. He was a slopped believer in get pointity of all people whether they were black, women, native Americans or immigrants. He was fond of precept I would unite with anybody to do right and nobody to do wrong. Frederick was born a slave in Maryland.He was only with his mother for a couple of weeks, he was raised by his grandparents. His mother, Harriot Bailey, died when he was only seven years old. The identity of his father is obscure. It was said that his father was a blanched man, perhaps his owner. He later said he knew nothing about his father. At the age of six his grandmother took him to the orchard and left him there. At the age of eight h e was sent to Baltimore to live with his owners brother Hugh Auld. It was shortly later he arrived that Mrs Auld started to teach him the alphabet and how to read.Her husband thought it was wrong saying that he would do dissatisfied with his life and have a desire for freedom. Hugh forbid his wife to continue so Douglass took it upon himself to learn. The unclouded kids in the neighborhood helped him learn and in return Douglass would give away his food. At the age of xii he purchased a book conjureed The Columbian Orator. It helped him to gain a different look and understanding on the power of the written and spoken words. Frederick returned to the eastern shore at the age of fifteen he became a field hand.During this time he had an encounter with the slave breaker Edward Covey. Covey restored his sense of self-worth after the fights. At the age of eighteen he was sent back to live with the Auld family. In September 1838 he succeeded in escaping from slavery by impersonating a sailor. he then moved to New Bedford, Massachusetts where he and his newly married wife Anna Murray begin to raise a family. When he had a chance, he went to abolitionist meetings. In October 1841 after one of the meetings he became a lecturer. He became partners with William Lloyd Garrison.This work led him to public language and writing. He too participated in the very first womans right conventions. He also wrote three autobiographies showtime with Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass followed by My Bondage and my Freedom in 1855 and ending with Life and Times of Frederick Douglass which he wrote after the civil war in 1892. When he returned to the United States he published his own report The North Star. Douglass was recognized all over the world as an uncompromising abolitionist, indefatigable worker for equal opportunity and justice.Douglass fought for equality for his people. He was also recognized for a defender of womens rights. Douglass became a trusted advise r of Lincoln, recorder of kit and boodle for Washington, D. C, United States Marshal for the District of Columbia, and Minister-General to the Republic of Haiti. In 1872 Douglass was the first African American to receive a nomination for Vice President of the United States. During the campaign, he neither campaigned for the ticket nor even acknowledged that he had been nominated. In 1877 he was appointed to United States Marshal.He was appointed to the Recorder of Deeds for the District of Columbia in 1877. After his wife died in 1882 he was in a produce of depression until his associate Ida B Wells brought meaning back to life for him. Douglass remarried in 1884 to Helen Pitts, a white feminist from New York. The couple faced a storm of controversy as a proceeds of their marriage since she was a white woman and nearly 20 years younger than him. Later in life Douglass was determined to find out his birthday. He adopted February 14th because of his mother, she used to always call him her little valentine.On February 20th 1895 Douglass attended a meeting of the National Council of Women in Washington D. C. before long after the meeting he returned home, Douglass died of a stroke or a massive heart besiege in his adopted home town of Washington D. C. He is buried in Mount intrust Cemetery in Rochester, New York. Frederick Douglass was sought to exemplify three keys for success. Believe in yourself, Take favor of every opportunity, and Use the power of spoken and written language to effect positive change for yourself and society.Douglass also stated that Whatever is possible for me is possible for you. By taking these key words and making them his own, Douglass created a life of honor, respect and success that he never would have dreamed of when he was a younger boy living on the plantation. Works Cited http//www. frederickdouglass. org/douglass_bio. html Douglass, Frederick Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, Christian Age Office. 1895 http//www. hist ory. rochester. edu/ soma/douglass/part4. html. Fight for Emancipation. Accessed April 19, 2007.
Friday, April 12, 2019
A Perspective on Water Crisis Essay Example for Free
A Perspective on irrigate Crisis EssayGlobal wet system communicate system crisis is in allness of the medium-largegest problems that the valet de chambre is confront. Fresh pee resources ar increasingly bonny scarce today and probably for the next decades. Less than one- fractional of 1% of all the irrigate on the planet comprises the available accented and clean pissing (Maude). Humans already using upd more than half of the worlds clean fresh piddle and by the year 2025 the consumption of fresh piddle go forth increase to three-quarters. Global body of water consumption becomes double every 20 years and if this trend continues, the affix of fresh water will non be enough for the demand of the worlds population by 2025. World Bank and World Heath Organization noted that there are about 2 billion volume go no access to clean and safe water and about 1 billion passel restrain no enough clean water to meet their daily water requirements. Depleted water r esources are attributed to the intensive urbanization, deforestation, water diversion, industrial farming and population growth. As the world population increases, the consumption of accessible freshwater may grow six-fold (Maude). As a result of water crisis, lots of pot suffer and die from water and sanitation related diseases much(prenominal) as diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, and hepatitis.Unfortunately, intimately of the scurvyest countries in the globe are the ones who are experiencing water shortage. Uganda is located at the Sub-Saharan Africa and is among the poorest countries around the globe. The solid ground relies solely on agricultural industry however, less than half of the arable im dis enounce is subject for cultivation. largish part of the land area (more or less 82%) of the region is arable, however more than 67% of the plain has poor ferralitic soil which has nearly lost its mineral content collect to prolonged weathering. Thus, suitable soil managemen t is needed for the soil to regain its lost nutrients.The economy of the country has a big(p) potential, considering the potentials of its agriculture and natural resources. There is a enceinte possibility that Uganda will recover from difficulties, near peculiarly from poverty. However, due to sanitary-nigh existing problems that the country is facing, it seems to be difficult for Uganda to escape from poverty. One of the biggest problems that the country is facing today is water crisis. urine crisis definitely affect the country as a whole contributes to Ugandas poverty and worsen her current situation (Dauda, 2003).The country of Uganda is definitely endowed with water resources. About 18% of the total surface area of the country is covered with renewable water resources including lakes, rivers and wetlands. Approximately, it roll in the hay supply an person of Uganda with 2,800 m of water in a year (Dauda, 2003). These fresh water resources are considered as the congen ital resource for sustaining life, preserving the environment, uphold information and alleviating poverty in the country. It has direct impact the quality of life of Ugandans and their productiveness as a whole.Water is very essential to Uganda since it plays an essential role in the production of fitting supply of food for the country as well as supplying electric power all over the country. It is the key resource of the countrys agriculture, food processing and opposite agro-industries which provides employment to the people of Uganda. Aside from supporting Ugandas agriculture and industry, water also provides electric power to the country. Indeed, it is the source of hydropower which is the countrys principal(prenominal) resource of abundant and cheap electric power.The socio-economic development of the country depends solely on the energy produced from hydropower. Inadequate power supply cannot support Ugandas large-scale manufacturing industries and agro-industries which m ay lead to little economic level of the country (National Water Development Report, 2005). The study freshwater resources of Uganda take pelting, surface or open water and groundwater. Rainfall is the most vital source of freshwater of the country. The rainfall pattern in the country greatly influences the land make use of potential and consequently the population distribution.The rainfall pattern of Uganda is influenced by the local topography and the presence of Lake Victoria. Rainfall in Uganda tends to increase with altitude meanwhile, rainfall is apt to decrease with the outstrip from the lake. High rainfall is noted on the central and western parts of Lake Victoria and over the mountain. other factor that determines the occurrence of rainfall is the countrys season. The most stable rain season in Uganda is from the months of March to whitethorn meanwhile, the reported variable rainy months in Uganda is from October to December (National Water Development Report, 2005).T he major freshwater resources of Uganda are in the form of lakes and rivers. These open sources are often used for the supply of hydropower in the country. The major resources of hydropower in Uganda are the Nile River and Lake Victoria. Lake Victoria supports the fisheries industry of Uganda and provide water supply to the majority of people of Uganda. Indeed, the Lake is also supporting the agriculture industry along its shoreline (National Water Development Report, 2005). However, the Lakes potential use for the future is now in question since it is experiencing dying up which leads to discredit water levels.The available water left in Lake Victoria may not be enough to sustain the required hydroelectric power generation (Xinhua News Agency). Other water bodies include Kyoga, Albert, George, Edward, Ruizi, Katonga, Kafu, Mpologoma and Aswa (National Water Development Report, 2005). Some of these lakes, most especially those on the western and central part are also drying up due to drouth which threatens the cattle industry in the area. Cattles film little access to water which may lead to lower production rate and low quality of Cattles (Xinhua News Agency).In addition to drought, the quality of surface water has been deteriorating with time. In most parts of the country, surface and ground water are already polluted due to increased urbanization and population as well as human activities much(prenominal) as poor agricultural practices, poor sanitation practices, industrial waste discharge, and mining activities (National Water Development Report, 2005). Aquifers, which can simply be generated and recharged by endogenous precipitation, are also essential resource of freshwater in Uganda. It is the major source of water in rural, semi-arid and arid areas in the country.The occurrence of groundwater is highly dependent on the geologic formation in the country. Uganda is endowed with productive aquifers water this can be attributed to the geology of Ugand a which is dominated by sheer Basement Complex of pre-Cambrian age. More than 90% of the country is underlie by different kinds of rocks which predominantly include granites, granitoid gneisses and gneisses. Ground water resources are generally plant on the underground layer of unconsolidated materials such as weathered bedrock, silt and clay.This groundwater can only be extracted through wells. The highest yielding and productive groundwater can be found in weathered-fractured bedrock which has high permeability (National Water Development Report, 2005). In general, the groundwater of Uganda is in good and sound condition. There are no traces of toxic substances that may threaten the health of the people in Uganda. Moreover, these aquifers have portentous amount of minerals such as aluminum, calcium, magnesium metal cations, chloride, iron, manganese and atomic number 24 that may not cause harm to the people of Uganda.Consequently, there are few parts of the country that are fo und to have high amounts of these minerals and have traces of high nitrate and chromium levels in some areas. Aside from high amount of minerals, it was also reported that some parts of the country have found to be positive in Coliform bacteria. Contamination of the aquifers is attributed to deterioration of the borehole casings, leaching of sewage wastes, weathering of aquifer environment as well as poor sanitation condition in the areas around the aquifers (National Water Development Report 2005).In general, the accessibility and preservation of water resources in Uganda solely relies on miscellaneous environmental, sociological and cultural factors. The availability of freshwater resources depends on the distribution of water bodies on the country. It is kn have that freshwater resources in Uganda constitute a great part of the country. However, due to its unparallel distribution and seasonality, availability of water is still a big problem on most parts of the country. Ugand ans find it difficult to have an easy access to fresh and clean water.Women together with their young are spending so much time and energy on laissez passering a mile-long way just to fetch water from areas with sufficient supply of clean water. The uneven distribution of water resources in the country also influences the agro-industry in the country. Cattle raisers tend to transfer from home plate to place just to find safe and sufficient water for the cattles. As a result, disease dust and transfer brought by the cattles becomes prevalent on various regions of the country (Xinhua News Agency).Meanwhile, uneven distribution of groundwater greatly influenced the accessibility of Ugandans to clean water. Regions endowed with productive groundwater are indeed rich in geological characteristics (National Water Development Report 2005). The occurrence of extreme weather conditions has a great lay out on the availability and safety of water on the country. Heavy rains may cause to fl ooding and consequently may foul the water resources of the some regions in the country. Contaminated water may result to more serious problems such as disease outbreaks, epidemics and even death.Contaminated water is the key reason to the high and increasing mortality rate of Ugandans especially of infants (National Water Development Report 2005). It is reported that most number of mortality occurs on infants and this can be attributed to less accessibility to clean and safe water. Meanwhile, erratic rainfall and seasonality of the occurrence of rainfall in the country resulted to desertification of arable lands. These definitely affect several industries in the country especially those that greatly depend on water (i. e. agricultural industries) (Dauda, 2003).Some of the suspected major reasons of water resources deterioration in Uganda are rapid growth population, urbanization, industrialization, relentless environmental degradation and deforestation as well as pollution. High population density greatly influenced the availability of water resources in Uganda. The population of Uganda in 2007 is close to 30. 9 million and more than half of it is comprised of infants. The country has an average annual growth rate of 3. 4% which is one of the highest growth rates in the globe. The demand for water relatively increased while the supply decreased with high population density.And as what the country is experiencing, there is no enough clean water for all. Increased population accompanied by urbanization and industrialization resulted to increased pollution and deforestation. Most of the land bodies are converted to industries which produces toxic wastes that pollute the environment especially water bodies. This contributes to the decreased supply of water in Uganda. Depleted water supply is also attributed to poor agricultural practices in the country such as cultivation, pastoral activities, and livestock practices. Poor sanitation is also identified as a p racticable cause of freshwater shortage in Uganda.Some of the land owners that cultivate their own lands seem to be unaware of environmentally sustainable practices. They have poor knowledge on these methods that they do any practices which may pollute their environment. These practices accompanied by poor sanitation will indeed bring negative effect on Ugandas environment. Poor sanitation practices are among the factors that contribute to depleted water supply and water related diseases in Uganda. Fetching and purifying water are very labor intensive, considering the distance that Ugandans walk just to obtain clean and safe water.They often share and obtain polluted water from water resources where farm animals usually dwell. However, as an everyday routine, it became arduous to the people of Uganda to fetch water from distance places and to call for so much time purifying the water that they fetched. People tend to ignore the hazard that the begrime water may bring them they jus t drink the water as ease without purifying it. As a result, development of water related diseases became prevalent in Uganda (Dauda, 2003). Another major factor that leads to water shortage in Uganda is world(a) warming.Majority of Ugandas water table, especially the northern and northeastern part is dry due to global warming and environmental degradation (Dauda, 2003). Global warming may also contribute to the occurrence on the extreme weather condition in the country such as El Nino and La Nina. Moreover, these parts of the country are experiencing wide fluctuations in the availability of water mingled with wet and dry seasons as well as variations in the onset of rainfall as a result of the extreme weather conditions (National Water Development Report 2005).Prolonged drought, which leads to drying up of significant water tables of Uganda, has also threatened the food security in the country. Due to prolonged drought, production of staple foods of Ugandans such as sorghum and mi llet relatively decreased (EuropaWorld). Just like any other country, Uganda is rich in traditions and belief. They value their culture so much it comes to a point that their beliefs and traditions hinder the possibility of development in their country. There are existing cultural norms that are related to the water bodies in Uganda.Some of the water bodies in Uganda are believed to have special healing powers for many diseases and supernatural dwellers as well. Moreover, these water bodies have potentials for many significant uses such as hydropower resource and irrigation for agricultural industries. However, due to close cultural bail of people of Uganda to these water resources, the government found it difficult to create potential programs that will optimize the use of the water resources in the country (National Water Development Report 2005).Aside from various problems stated previously that have great impact on freshwater availability, Ugandas neighboring regions seem to c ontribute on the water crisis that it is experiencing. Majority of Ugandas freshwater resources have existing crosswalking frontiers which bound the country from maximize its use on its own water resources within its territory. Though they have legal riparian rights to have a share on the water resources, these transboundaries definitely affect the socio-economic growth of the country since water is considered to be as the key player in the development of Uganda (Encounter Uganda Well Health).For one thing, these transboundaries serve as the main competitors of Uganda from the available water resources. People of Uganda have little access to large water resources since they are confine to come across the boundary of another country. Moreover, these crossing frontiers not only prevent Uganda from optimizing its available freshwater resources but source of food and employment as well (National Water Development Report 2005). In order to unravel the existing problems in Uganda, its government decided to make some modifications on its various sectors, most especially the water sector.Several studies and situational analyses are conducted by the water sector that leads to preparation of complete strategy of water sector and investment strategies. The government has anticipated many factors and they do it realizable that the strategies may still be implemented on the sector up to 2015. The government has already started implementing some of the strategies and one of these is Sector Wide Approach to Planning (SWAP). SWAP requires all stakeholders to participate in the planning and effectuation of the sectors activities while optimizing benefits for all.The strategy has provided a regular budget on the programs that are made which is relatively different to the previous programs that the sector has made (National Water Development Report 2005). Another significant program that also selected to promote sustainable management and development of water resources o f the riparian regions is the Collaborative federation Program. The program is focused in improving the coordination of efforts of the different stakeholders. The program is also focused on harmonizing strategies and plans that involves sustainable management and development of the overlap water resources.This makes Uganda very eager to have a close kin with its neighboring regions. Uganda became enthusiastic with regard to making joint plan, management and development of the water resources that they divided up. Ugandas aim on making collaboration with her transboundaries is for all of them to obtain fair benefits from the water resources as well as to ensure that they will get sufficient supply of clean water. Fair utilization and consumption of shared water provide a high opportunity for sustainable use of resources as well as sustainable growth and development.Moreover, Uganda will be able to support its economic and social objectives through collaborating with its cross fron tiers (National Water Development Report 2005). The riparian countries including Uganda will have comparable advantages from the equitable use of shared water. While building a close relationship with the riparian countries, the potentials of the existing industries in Uganda may be developed through collaboration with her neighboring regions. Advancement in its industries may lead to economic development of the country and in turn advancement on the quality of life and well being of its whole nation.Meanwhile, there are potential conflicts identified in the implementation of collaboration program between the riparian countries. Aside from the common objective that the riparian countries agreed on making the joint collaboration, these countries also have different interests which make a potential conflict between them. They made plans and implemented projects which do not take into consideration the wide coverage of the shared water resources. They do not anticipate the possible con flicts that may arise by implanting their plans.As a result, some of their individual plans for the development of their own countries are contradicting with the plans of other countries. Plans of other countries will not be possible if other countries plan will be allowed. Another issue that makes the joint program complicated is the mistrust among the cross frontiers. This issue seems to be required since the riparian countries have different objectives and interest in joining the joint program. They refuse to show their own data regarding the shared water resources as well as information of their plans and strategies.Since the riparian countries have no idea of the plans and programs of other riparian countries there are instances that the individual projects implemented are the same with other countries (National Water Development Report 2005). The last issue identified is the restoration of the environment. One of the minor objectives of the joint program is to conserve the en vironment however, it is found to be difficult to implement their plans and projects while not fetching into consideration the possible negative effect that it may bring to their environment.The main concern here is the methods of the activities and projects as well as the way these are conducted. Countries located on the downriver of the shared water resources are threatened by the possible effect of the activities that the upstream countries are conducting. Also due to mistrust, they are not guaranteed that the upstream countries are performing the activities in a proper way. It is essential that both the upstream and downstream countries will conduct their programs and projects in such a way that these programs will not affect that preservation of environment that they are promoting in the country.Through this little start, there will be a great possibility that their countries will surpass big problems such as water crisis and most of all poverty.ReferencesBarlow, Maude. The g lobal water crisis and the Commodification of the worlds water supply A Special Report issued by the International Forum on Globalization (IFG). Retrieved May 30, 2008, from http//www. thirdworldtraveler. com/Water/Global_Trade_BG. html Toure, Dauda. 2003. The Millennium Development Goals Progress Report for Uganda. Retrieved May30, 2008, from http//www. undg.org/archive_docs/6197-Denmark_MDG_Report. pdf 2005. National Water Development Report Uganda. Retrieved May 30, 2008, from http//www. unesdoc. unesco. org/images/0014/001467/146760E. pdf Xinhua News Agency. 2006. Lakes in Uganda dry up due to prolonged drought. Retrieved May 29, 2008, from highbeam. com/doc database. Encounter Uganda Well Health. Retrieved May 29, 2008 from water_website database. EuropaWorld. 2003, February 21. Northern Uganda The Forgotten Crisis. Retrieved May 29, 2008, from http//www. europaworld. org/week117/northernuganda21203. htm
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Insights That Travels Trough Time Essay Example for Free
Insights That Travels Trough Time EssayThe dramatic effect of a masterpiece always depends on the one who views it. John Berger argues ab let out perception and that only few avouch and experience the proficiency in terms of visual images that shape the cultural memory of a society. Berger opens out and focuses on the power of images ( pose, 2009). He looked up to how others should consider and understand how a certain image could take a shit a new language of images. Perhaps, he wanted to make each and every artist takes favor of using his or her works to represent or reflect the ethos that exists in a society. For him the art itself speaks up a rich testimony about the culture and other occurrence in the history. Also Berger score the notion that those who were unattached from their past, has unbound role and can freely act as an individual or a group. Herewith, it could be assume that experiences affect how we accept or perceived something or how we or what we look at as true. Further, according to Berger The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled. The truth could be assumed to still rest in the eyes of the viewer. Berger insists to how we people should respond and take importance of what we see.With this, we should learn to train and know what lies behind it. Every image is an instrument that leads us to different region and period (Wong, 2009). If we secure learn how to read and decipher the knowledge it offers, then we could freely purchase the vision that the most ignoresReferences1. Parks S,. (2009)Studying Culture/Controlling Images. , Retrieve April 14, 2009 http//www. temple. edu/isllc/sparks 2. Wong M. , (2009)Just in Time Anamorphosis as a Strategic pick Visual Tactics. , http//www. para-site. org. hk/_pre/96_txt4. html
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Robin Hood Essay Example for Free
robin Hood EssayRobin Hood has several problems that need to be addressed. The main issues arising that he should address first is the fact that his dance band has grown and is continuing to grow way too quickly, all while money and food atomic number 18 running appear. As the numbers of Merry men are growing, travelers are finding alternate routes through the forest to eliminate apprehension, which has resulted in a decline in the bands revenue. These changes must be addressed on with the structuring and training of the ever-growing band of Merrymen. Analysis Need for new(a) strategyRobin Hood is definitely in need of a fresh strategy in response to external happenings. He needs to bring low the number of new recruits, find other ways to find provisions for his gang, delegate tasks to a greater extent, enforce more discipline, and join forces with the barons. Robin Hood needs to figure out how to change the fact that the travelers are antecedent to avoid the forest to pr otect their belongings even though this is adding cost and inconvenience to them. Robins current plan to force the Sheriff out of Nottingham is not working. The Sheriff is continuously using powerful connections to apply added hale to Robin and the Merrymen. He has more money and more men. Alternative SolutionsJoining the BaronsRobin Hood musical theme has about exclusively killing the sheriff, but that would be pointless. It would not improve the situations at hand it would further quench his thirst for personal revenge. The best decision that Robin hood could sword would be to moreover join the barons to collect the ransom to release King Richard. It is risky but it is less risky than doing what he is presently doing which is nothing.. Although it would be a dangerous decision, by joining them, there will no lasting be a need to steal from the rich, the sheriff would not be in power therefore his affright would be minimal, and King Richard would then be able to answer to a ll the peasants needs. It is more or less much a win-win for Robin Hood and his gang. ConclusionEven though Robin Hood does rent other options, joining the barons seems to be the most beneficial to him and his merrymen.Robin Hoods Mission and romance Statements- Because Robin Hoods initial mission to rob the rich and give to the poor is no longer effective, and because the organization is changing, their mission statement has to be revised. Their main mission immediately needs to be to minimize the number of new recruits. Their mission statement should now focus on the existing men in the gang, and how to maximize all resources. This is the same with Robin Hoods vision. His vision was once to just get rid of the Sheriff, but that was not working out so well for him. A new vision should be to focus on becoming joined with the barons and the ways that they can run the Sheriff out of town all together. Robin Hood has only had plans and visions for the present, but he now needs to ma ke long term plans for the future. This will help him always be prepared, and keep his chances down low of macrocosm beat out by the Sherriff.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Zero Tolerance Policing and New York Quality Essay Example for Free
Zero Tolerance Policing and New York Quality EssayAnother ground of zero tolerance policing posits that the law enforcement officers, will ignore minor offenders and cases of social disorder and concentrate on quality of behavior or the sub iniquitous activities such(prenominal) as public urinating, public drinking, begging, vagrancy and vandalism. frequently behind this understanding is the theory of disgust broken windows theory, published by George Kelling and James Wilson (1982).In such a theory a broken window is representative of disorderly behavior and minor cases of criminal acts among the community. Usually if such a window is not repaired the message is that there is lack of control in the community and another window is likely to be broken. Under such a theory there is bound to be an increase in activity against minor offenders without any prior offenders (Marshall 1999). A determinate example is the New York scenario where the zero tolerance policing possessed salient and easily distinguishable characteristics.Key among these characteristics is the ludicrous aversion control strategies that ensured that policing efforts were concentrated on drugs, guns, auto theft, traffic offenses, domestic violence, youth crime, and quality of life crimes. Over a period of two years, decentralized policing ensured that detectives and beat officers were assigned predetermined categories in the crime control strategies. Additionally, timely, accurate and reliable intelligence info identified cases where the potential of risk was more predominant. accent mark on the quality of life crimes ensured that incidences of graffiti, public littering and cases of public drinking were reduced (Marshall 1999). Persons suspected of being elusive in relatively minor crimes were also targeted through misdemeanor arrests. The result was an emulative success story where crime significantly reduced. However, despite these successes, there are concerns that security ag ents are using aggression and ruthlessness when dealings with comparatively low level criminal activity.Moreover, over emphasis and reliance on quantitative statistical data as a presentation of success can lead to manipulation of such data to suit the objectives of the policy makers. Even if such figures of crime reduction were genuine, zero tolerance policing emphasizes on wretched term law enforcement strategies such as arrests, conviction and imprisonment while neglecting long term strategies which subscribe cooperation with the communities, improving education, health care and planning.Because it is basically a quick fix strategy it fails to address the all the way understood causes of crime (Marshall 1999). Problem Oriented Policing Problem oriented policing focuses on clear identification and analytic thinking of problems with respect to the conditions that exist in the local circumstances. It is a novel policing strategy that aims at ensuring that the police efficaciou sly deal with criminal problems that have been brought to the fore by the public (Leigh et al 2004).
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