Saturday, August 31, 2019

Australia’s Response to Communism in the 1950’s Essay

In the 1950’s the world had just come out of the greatest war in human history. In the aftermath of this war many countries turned to communism. It was against this threat of communism that the Australian government reacted in such a wide variety of ways. Although there were a wide variety of ways in which Australia reacted there were perhaps three that were the most prevalent and influential. Firstly Australia sent troops to fight in Korea to avoid and prevent the spread of communism and the start of the domino effect in South Asia. Secondly the Australian Prime Minister Robert Menzies put forward the bill that would ban the communist party in Australia and make being communist illegal. Finally Australia also sought to establish treaties and relationships with other non-communist countries to provide Australia with an adequate defence, and also to help limit the spread of communism through. It was these strategies that made up Australia’s reaction to communism. One of Australia’s main responses to communism was its participation in the Korean War. Australia got involved in this war for a number of reasons. One of the main reasons was to stop the â€Å"domino effect† that was believed would mean the fall of most of South East Asia and would put Australia under direct threat. Source A shows the potential consequences of not stopping the â€Å"red tide†. The source shows that if even one country in this region were lost to communism â€Å"the security of Australia itself would be imperiled†. This very clearly shows the attitudes towards communism at the time. Source E goes again to show how scared people were of communism and how controversial this topic was. Another huge reason troops were deployed into Korea was the idea of â€Å"forward defence†. It was believed that communism could be most effectively kept away from Australia by fighting it well away from Australian soil. This policy of forward defence ju stified the positioning and placing of troops into the Korean War. In the response to the internal threat of communism The Australian Government came up with some somewhat extreme courses of action. Australian Prime Minister proposed a bill, called the Communist Party Dissolution Bill that  would make communism illegal, ban the communist party and prevent anyone declared a communist from holding a job in the government or trade unions. The controversial issue in this bill was that if you were accused of being a communist you were guilty until proven innocent. Many people were accused of being communist and although no one was ever confirmed to be one it still ruined many lives. At this time the Australian communist party had 24,000 members and although this was a small amount it still scared many people. This fear of communism was almost enough to get Menzies’s bill passed however the high court called it unconstitutional and agreed to not pass it. Although Menzies held a referendum to pass his bill there was a slight majority of against votes. Even though the bill failed to pass it still shows just how large an issue this was and how concerned people were about communism. Another issue that showed the seriousness of this issue was the ‘Petrov Affair’. This scared people, as there was a possible ring of soviet spies in the country. Menzies manipulated this event to his advantage and so won the election and forever tarnishing the opposition’s reputation by branding the labour party as communist supporters. Finally another smaller, but no less important, action was taken as a response to the â€Å"threat of communism†. Australia began to sign treaties with other countries that were not communist. The Prime Minister Robert Menzies was seeking to create a new more secure position for Australia specifically â€Å"under the US wing†. Australia needed new alliances and allies beyond Britain and so we turned to America for support. This need for allies led to the ANZUS agreement of 1951 and the SEATO alliance of 1954. These agreements ensured aid from foreign countries, particularly the US, in the event of attack from a communist country or indeed any country in general. These policies ensured mutual protection from any threat to the countries involved. Other countries involved in these treaties were New Zealand as well as many South East Asian countries such as Thailand, South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. These countries were included to help prevent the advance of communism. By allying these countries with the US it was practically assured that they would resist the red tide of communism. In the 1950’s Australia adopted many policies and responses to the growing threat of communism. These included our involvement in the Korean War, our  policy of forward defence, the Communist Party Dissolution Bill and treaties with America and other countries. Although Australia was never directly threatened these policies were prudent measures against the advance and popularity of communism. These responses, while somewhat excessive, were implemented to protect Australia and to keep it safe. Bibliography Anderson, Maureen. Retroactive 2. Milton, Qld.: John Wiley & Sons, 2005. Print. Orwell G. 1945. Animal Farm. London. Jonathan Cape. â€Å"Australia’s Responses to the Threat of Communism: International.† Web. 15 June 2013. <> â€Å"80 Days That Changed Our Lives.† Soviet Diplomats in Canberra Defect. Web. 16 June 2013. <>

Friday, August 30, 2019

Psychology †Sleeping Disorder Essay

A sleeping disorder that was discussed in Module 7 was Narcolepsy. Many people around the world are affected by this disorder a person with such disorder may go an entire day feeling the urge to sleep and always feeling fatigued. Narcolepsy is defined as a â€Å"Chronic disorder that is marked by excessive sleepiness, usually in the form of sleep attacks or short periods of sleep throughout the day. The sleep attacks are accompanied by brief periods of REM sleep and loss of muscle control, which may be triggered by big emotional changes† (Plotnik 163). A person with this disorder will have an extremely eradicate sleep schedule, which can really hinder a person’s capability to live a normal lifestyle. Research has still yet to discover a concrete answer as to what the main cause of narcolepsy is, however scientists have found genes strongly associated with this disorder. The gene that has been associated with this disorder helps control the production of chemicals in the brain that quite possibly signal the sleep and awake cycles in a person. Researchers think if there is a deficiency in the production of the chemical called hypocretin by the brain then it may result in narcolepsy. Narcolepsy) In association with this discovery, it has also been found there are abnormalities when the brain attempts regulating REM sleep. With these irregularities with REM sleep it is often seen that side effects also develop. Side effects of narcolepsy can be mild to extremely drastic. The most known side effect is excessive daytime sleepiness. A person with narcolepsy is not consistently receiving a full night of healthy sleep which in turn leads to that person being very tired throughout the day. Narcolepsy has many other symptoms, but one notable one is causing the victim to fall asleep in inappropriate places. A person could be doing anything, such as cleaning or driving and just fall asleep. This poses quite an issue because of safety of themselves and others becomes jeopardized. With this disorder still not fully understood it is not easily diagnosed. A doctor may ask for a patient to keep a sleep journal noting their sleep pattern and symptoms over a two week period. A reason it is difficult to tell if narcolepsy should be diagnosed is because many of the symptoms that show up with this disorder are also present in a couple other disorders. Two tests must be completed to confirm a diagnosis of narcolepsy. The first is the Polysomnogram which is an overnight test that measures an individual while they sleep to document any abnormalities. The second is a multiple sleep latency test which is performed in the day to measure a person’s tendency to fall asleep and also measures how long it takes a person to fall asleep. (What is Narcolepsy? ) While it may seem narcolepsy may not be that serious, it can drastically change someone’s life. They are not able to live a normal lifestyle because they could potentially hurt themselves if they fall asleep at the wrong time or place. There is still no cure for this disorder but it is possible to control some of the symptoms with drug treatment. This disorder roughly affects one in every 3,000 people but is stated as severely underdiagnosed. Research is still taking place to find as much information about the disorder, in order to give those patients a great night sleep, and a full day of activities.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Qualitative Methodology

Cotte’s paper primarily deals with the Economic, Symbolic and Hedonic motives of gambling (2-3). Her method is centered on Ethnographic Participant Observation (1). The study was conducted on a Northeastern casino (10) for 90 hours that was accumulated through 30 visits between October 1995 and March 1996 (9). This critique will concentrate on the analysis of Cotte’s Literature Review, Research Design and Methods and Subjects chosen for the study. Literature Review Cotte’s literature review tackles the economic, symbolic and hedonistic motives of recreational gambling.With an emphasis centered on â€Å"Experiential Consumption† (6) which explains the role of motives in human behaviors and decisions, the paper was able to prove its point that the human drive to gamble stems out from the desire to learn and evaluate the game (12), to have a feeling of a â€Å"rush† (14), to demonstrate self definition such as being a â€Å"variety-seeker, rebel, and casino pro† (15), to fulfill the desire to be a risk-taker (18) and to view â€Å"cognitive self classification† that is primarily achieved through â€Å"interpersonal relationships† (19).Similarly, the study reveals that urge for â€Å"emotional self classifications† are also evident (19); similarly, human competition (20) and communion (21) are also part of the characteristics that were studied. The paper’s main criticism for the author’s literature review is: Cotte, by opting to focus on the hedonistic aspect of gambling has established the claim that recreational gambling primarily is a result of emotion in its most â€Å"barbaric sense† and provides no rational explanation whatsoever on the concept of recreational gambling.Cotte presented eight cells (12-21) which tells the reason in a form of conversation between her (i. e. the researcher) or other people through overheard conversations or observations explaining why people gambl e. It could be significantly noted that Cotte have made various explanations linking the results of the observation and or interview to her related literature; and it appears that those explanations are only liked to the situations wherein there is an emphasis on the hedonistic drive (12-18).The author explained that the feeling of excitement, rush, the unknown etc are the primary reasons why people keep on coming back to the casino and even bringing their families with them to gamble as well (18). However, the paper would like to assert that although the first few cells are significantly linked on the theories that the author used, the last three cells were explained by the author in such an abrupt manner that she suddenly inserts a theory that in no way was she was able to elaborate on her literature review (19, 21).The Utilitarian Theory which definition is not established or discussed at all was inserted and was used to explain â€Å"emotional self classification† (19) an d communing (21) . In virtue of its philosophical roots, the Utilitarian theory was introduced by JS Mill and is commonly known of having this maxim: the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. However, the paper would want to establish that the author coined a different concept to the theory by equating utilitarianism to â€Å"rationality† which is definitely not the case.The paper acknowledges however that linguistics of course allows convention to give a different meaning to a particular word. However, if this is the case, the author should have at least provided an operational definition on her review of related literature. Research Design and Methods The author’s method is qualitative research focusing on Ethnographic Participant Observation (1). Her data gathering method was done primarily through unstructured interviews (Bailey, 1994) and observation (Holloway, 2002). The paper has two main criticisms: (1) Unstructured interviews are rela tively prone to bias (Bailey, 1994, 195).The unstructured interview wherein the interviewer has the advantages of probing her subjects more has a high degree of possibility to be interpreted in a different manner than what the subjects really intend it to be (195). Also, in comparing the unstructured interview to the structured interview, Bailey argued that â€Å"the mere fact that a highly structured interview has a neatly typed questionnaire is easy to code, and seems to be reliable does not ensure that the information gathered will be superior to that gathered with an unstructured interview† (195).(2) The second criticism of the paper is that observations that are primarily documented through field notes and should be in four types: condensed account, the expanded account, the fieldwork journal, and analysis and interpretation notes (Holloway, 2002, 135). However, it could be noted that the author has made clear on her paper that she only has â€Å"field notes† (whi ch is a generalized note) and â€Å"introspections† (10) for her data gathering. Holloway (2002) by quoting Spradley (1979) on her book explained that it is necessary that all of these field notes should be done by any researcher who will use the Ethnographic method.However, the paper also recognizes the advantages of the unstructured research. It is also noted by Bailey (1994) that most cases reveal that unstructured interviews have the capability of eliciting more favorable responses from its subjects. The fact that the interview is more informal in its setting and is generally friendly, most researchers are able to get the innermost feelings of their subjects that the subjects on the other hand might not consciously realize that they possess.Similarly, the descriptive ethnography method (Holloway, 2002) is capable of presenting an account of a particular behavior on a specific area or industry. Similar on the case of the recreational gamblers in the northeast, the author w as able to present what type of recreational gamblers those people are going in that casino. Cotte’s output as she stated on the latter part of her paper could be grounds for better and improved researches. Subjects of the Study The subjects of the study are randomly chosen.As evident on the research conducted, the author claims that most of the data gathered are from abrupt conversations, overheard conversations and observations. Hence, the paper claims that there is no way that the author could further verify if the same emotions or motives still apply after that particular day or the days after that particular study. Similarly, the context of the study (Holloway, 2002) that is in Northeast America does not allow the study’s conclusion to be extended to other locations or cultural contexts. Conclusion:The paper would say that the author’s attempts to verify that recreational gambler’s motivations in gambling are primarily driven by their hedonistic moti ves are successful. However, there should be enough detail that should be given in terms of the literature’s completeness, further efforts to make the methodology more valid and a more diverse choosing of the respondents. Literature Cited Holloway, I. (2002). Qualitative Research Methods in Public Relations and Marketing Communications. London: Routledge. Bailey K. (1994). Methods of Social Research. New York: The Free Press.

Advertsing of commodities and cultuer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Advertsing of commodities and cultuer - Essay Example In advertising for commodities, one should always choose the right marketing strategy. In order for commodities to sell through good advertising, one has to ensure two very important components are checked: price and value. People only respond to commodities that are offered at low prices compared to their competitors. In addition, high value products tend to attract a good market compared to low value commodities (Forker 2012, p.34). Therefore, one has to ensure these two factors are kept at bay when deciding on proper advertising tools. According to Forker (2012), commodities can never sell when they are low value and placed at high prices. It human nature to acquire goods cheaply that he or she fins high quality. Therefore, when one intends to conduct commodity advertising, one has two place these two factors in check, Lowering of prices can only be achieved if the expense of acquiring the commodity is kept low (Forker 2012, p.88). Branding of the commodities is one of the key ways in which one can ensure the commodities sale. Branding basically refers to making the given commodity unique to the consumers (Jackson 2005, p.76). Branding can be achieved through making the commodity highly sort after based on the qualities which it has. One basically needs to be aware of the market which one is targeting. Knowing the target market can be useful in knowing their taste and preference in order to tone down the commodities to the level which satisfies the clients need. In branding, one has to create a unique image that will give your commodity an upper hand over the competitors (Jackson 2005, p.46). In addition, one would have to identify reasons as to why customers purchase commodities from your competitors and try to eliminate them. Commodities that have been branded generally have a good impact of attracting and retaining clients who are attached to it (Jackson 2005, p.88). Brands creates things which people are a ble to associate and relate with. Culture has

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Acquiring Effective Writing Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 11

Acquiring Effective Writing Skills - Essay Example Structuring thoughts in a logical manner was another serious obstacle for me. Despite the fact that my first essays seemed bright and saturated with ideas, the form itself was messy, and it was impossible to capture the logic of the narration. However, with the help of this class, I have learned to stick to the traditional model of essay composition and realized that structure is like a skeleton of the text so it needs to be exceptionally strong. Among the valuable things I have understood during the whole course was that self-organization does matter. Creating texts is the process which is impossible to predict. Sometimes it takes hours to find relevant sources, sometimes bright arguments appear out of nowhere. Procrastination and inability to focus on the thesis of text makes it â€Å"empty† and turns the whole process of writing into a burden. In order to keep the track of the thought, I have learned to reread constantly what was written and fix it in the process, not after finalization. I realized how important editing is because it often seems that the essay is immaculate but reading it two or three times allows seeing it from another perspective. I have understood that I imagined writing in a completely different way before as for me it was a process totally dependent on inspiration. If the Muse has visited you - there is a chance of writing a brilliant text. It turned out that only in the process of analysis of arguments, structuring, and correcting your own thoughts it is possible to get any inspiration.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Kitchen Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Kitchen Design - Essay Example These being the changing Role of Women, Domestic Science, Industrialization, Food Safety and Health Determinants (Moody and Vineyard, 476). From these probably the two most important factors were the changing role of women in society and industrialization. Industrialization bought kitchen appliances in homes with microwaves ovens becoming the most popular appliance that later even replaced the traditional stoves in certain homes.The changing role of women is another factor worth discussing. With health issues being raised after the advent of the industrial revolution and people realizing the importance of kitchen for food safety, servants were being replaced by women in the kitchen. The abolition of slavery further limited domestic help in the kitchen. However, industrial appliances became the new servants for these women. While women accepted the kitchen, they were also exploring the corporate world and thus they began a dual life where they began managing both the kitchens and thei r jobs.Evolution of Kitchen DesignIn the early times, kitchens were very different from what we have today. The advent of the industrial revolution greatly changed the landscape of the traditional kitchens as modern kitchens were fitted with the industrial appliances and also had water fittings. At the turn of the twentieth century, kitchens came fitted with iron stoves, sewers and gas pipes. But industrialization in the twentieth century brought bigger changes in the original design of the kitchens.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Business Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Analysis - Research Paper Example This being the case, a proper review and assessment of the financials of Donna Karan ought to start with a review of the LVMH financials (Google, 2012). It is noteworthy that the key competitors listed for Donna Karan International are ANN Inc .and Giorgio Armani (Hoovers, 2012). Most of the other firms that are grouped with Donna Karan, meanwhile, are private firms, including Calvin Klein, Marc Jacobs, Louis Vuitton North America, Roc Apparel Group, and Lands' End Inc. (Google, 2012). As with ANN and Giorgio Armani, given the private nature of the entities, there is a dearth of information relating to their financials (Hoovers, 2012; Google, 2012). The data on LVMH is more comprehensive financially, and it is from the parent firm that we are able to glean insights into the nature of the financials of LVMH, and indirectly Donna Karan, from the financial statements. From the perspective of the parent firm a few players stand out as the real competition, with comparable market capitali zations. LVMH has the most recent valuation of about US 82.73 billion dollars. This compares with its competitors Christian Dior, at US 25.9 billion dollars; TSI Holdings, at US 56.27 billion dollars; and Hermes, at US 30.45 billion dollars. We can see that among the competitors, LMH has the largest market capitalization, and therefore the largest clout among the firms. A look at the movement of the share price of LVMH over the past five years shows that the share price is about 25 percent off the highs it achieved in 2008, but generally the price is on an upward trend from its lowest points in 2009. At the current price/earnings ratio of 18.63, the share price is undervalued in comparison to competition, such as Lancy, with a P/E ratio of 25.7, even as it is overvalued in comparison to Shejiang Semir, with a P/E ratio of 14.63. Given the high P/E ratio of Lancy, one can make the assumption that there are elements in the underlying financials of LVMH/Donna Karan that has resulted in analysts undervaluing the share price to the level that it stands at present, commanding that kind of P/E ratio. The table below details the comparison of top competitors in the space of Donna Karan/LVMH. It is surprising that LVMH is not commanding a higher share price and P/E ratio, given that its EPS is high in comparison to Lancy (Google, 2012b): Valuation Company name Earnings per  share P/E ratio Mkt Cap LVMUY LVMH Moet Henness... 1.78 18.63 82.73B CHDRF CHRISTIAN DIOR S A F 25.90B MMO1V Marimekko Oyj 0.26 55.63 116.82M 002612 Lancy Co Ltd 1.27 25.70 6.55B 3608 TSI Holdings Co Ltd -204.41 56.27B HESAF HERMES INTL SA 30.45B LTAN Le Tanneur & Cie SA -0.13 27.43M DPT S.T. Dupont SA 0.01 64.86 153.22M 002563 Zhejiang Semir Ga... 1.54 14.63 15.13B TAM Etam Developpemen... 1.83 7.89 115.27M 065060 GNCO Co., Ltd. Table Source: Google, 2012b From the growth ratios, meanwhile, one can see that LVMH has been on a growth tear, plowing back money into growing the business, with the att endant advantages that such growth can bring, including economies of scale, and the ability to rapidly expand profits in the future, from a large revenue base (Reuters, 2012)..    Company Industry Sector Sales (MRQ) vs Qtr. 1 Yr. Ago 25.98 13.75 14.56 Sales (TTM) vs TTM 1 Yr. Ago 22.41

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Michael Porter, Competitive Advantage ( Please see the assignment Coursework - 1

Michael Porter, Competitive Advantage ( Please see the assignment criteria ) - Coursework Example It is in this context that the tendency of homogeneity in the demand of products influences the industry players to concentrate on heterogeneity in a rapidly growing manner. This fuels up the essentiality of competitive advantage in the current market situation (Wiggins, 1997). Therefore, competitive advantage of a firm in the modern day context depends largely on the firm’s performance as steered by its leader. In the 21st century context, it is the organisational leaders who play the major role in directing the organisational performance towards the achievement of competitive advantage. The fact is considered to be quite significant as competitive advantage provides with numerous opportunities to the companies to sustain in the market. Thus, it can be stated that the achievement of success along with failure in terms of competitive advantage depend on the organisational leadership (Ireland & Hitt, 2005). Porter (1998) observed, â€Å"A firm in a very attractive industry may still not earn profits if it has chosen a poor competitive position. Conversely, a firm in an excellent competitive position may be in such a poor industry that it is not very profitable, and further efforts to enhance its position will be of little benefit† (pp. 2).

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Math problems Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Math problems - Speech or Presentation Example Any negative value will be also inappropriate. 2. Examine the rise in gasoline prices from 1997 to 2006. The price of regular unleaded gasoline in January 1997 was $1.26, and in January 2006, the price of regular unleaded gasoline was $2.31 (â€Å"Consumer price index,† 2006). Use the coordinates (1997, 1.26) and (2006, 2.31) to find the slope, or rate of change, between the two points. Describe how you arrived at your answer. represents an estimate of the average cost of gas for year x starting in 1997 (â€Å"Consumer price index,† 2006). The year 1997 would be represented by x = 1, for example, because it is the first year in the study. Similarly, 2005 would be year 9, or x = 9. I expect the lines to be intersecting (or close to parallel) because there will be difference in average cost of gasoline each year and the price of gasoline in January of each year due to fluctuation of

Friday, August 23, 2019

Environmental Science Phase 4 Individual Project Essay

Environmental Science Phase 4 Individual Project - Essay Example The disadvantages with the batteries of electric cars, however, include their range, long recharging process and huge dimensions. The short distance travel, normally about 100 miles maximum, makes it impossible for electric cars to be tested in long travels due to the minimum of 5 hours recharging (Lee, 2007). There are various kinds of fuel cells, but the one best applicable for automobiles is pertained to as the (PEM) fuel cell. Some of its primary aspects are its capacity to ignite the engine immediately and to function at the worst conditions, which is very beneficial due to the fact that it does not consume much energy in order to function. However, the efficiency of fuel-cell-powered vehicles is hindered by the level of fuel in its tank (Sterrett, 1994). Most fuel cells for cars are also complicated and weigh heavily: a tremendous disadvantage for automobiles. The most recommended alternative fuel for cars that does not cause pollution is the hydrogen fuel. Hydrogen fuel possesses tremendous potential as a fuel source for the next hybrid of automobiles. They do not possess limitations like what normal car batteries have. Hydrogen is burned by a chemical process that does not cause pollution. Hydrogen fuel basically integrates hydrogen and oxygen in the chemical process that equates into electric power and water as end products. Add the fact that hydrogen is the present in every surface of the Earth. Because of these excellent qualities, hydrogen has normally been pertained to as the best fuel source available on Earth. Its primary reserve in this planet is water which is also abundant everywhere (Poole, 1992). The utilization of hydrogen as a fuel source for cars perfectly coexists with the environment, and not harmful. It is very impossible for Earth not have supplies of hydrogen. Hydrogen fuel is the recommended

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Aldous Huxley Essay Example for Free

Aldous Huxley Essay Aldous Huxley captures the effect of the application of scientific methods to procedures in the modern American society to a more substantial degree than ever, recognized by readers of his novel, Brave New World. This portrays a world centered around scientific progress and control. Huxley brings to light the extremity of influence given to Americans by revolutionary science. In an effort to forever improve, society has conformed to many ways of fixing imperfections. From surgeries and medications for honest sicklings to injections for greedy, pretentious abusers, people as a whole have transformed from the good ole days to the fast-paced, materialistic world. While discoveries in science are often for the benefit of society, is it possible that these newfound treasures are actually a preface for rot and ruin? Since most little girls could remember, the only way it seemed plausible to become successful was by living in the body of Cinderella or Barbie or Miss America. As they began to mature, nothing changed. The image remained as a beautiful bag of bones when media and celebrities were constantly thrown in their face. In the past, if they didn’t have â€Å"the look†, they were left hopeless and self-conscious. Thankfully, some idiot decided they would abuse the power of nature and science by providing these girls with an answer to their prayers. Plastic Surgery! What they didn’t account for was the impact. Now, not only were the glamorous allowed to have the image, everyone was-again, reducing the confidence in the female population and encouraging a new friend, bullying. Moreover, it is affecting the mental health of children in this conceited society. Surveys and recent research show that â€Å" Teens view plastic surgery as a way to fit in and look acceptable to friends and peers† (Plastic Surgery). How is it that society has allowed this damage to take place? The original intentions of these different types of surgeries were honest. Science isn’t the one to be held responsible, rather the insecurities of certain

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Literacy Instruction and Difficulties with Reading Essay Example for Free

Literacy Instruction and Difficulties with Reading Essay In today’s world the consequences of having students attain low achievement scores in reading can be very detrimental to both individuals and society. Students who are attaining low achievement records in literacy often correlate with the school dropout rate, poverty, and unemployment. Also the gap between reading achievement of poor and middle class students is substantial, calling for a federal regulation to ensure equal opportunities for all students no matter where they may be attending school. The standards movement and evidence-based research can have a great impact on how literacy programs are used in the classroom. Evidence-based reading instruction means that a particular reading program has a record of success. The program was tested with a group of students and there is data to show the result of the research conducted. These programs are reliable and valid in saying that the children can be expected to make adequate gains in reading achievement. Evidence-based research can be very helpful when trying to find the right literacy program to use. As there are many different types of students who learn in different ways, there will never be one single successful method of teaching children to read. When teachers are looking for literacy programs to use they should be investigating how old the students were, their current reading level, what type of setting it took place in, and if it was conducted on a one-on-one or group basis. Teachers want to find programs that have been successful and relate to their own current setting. It is crucial to make sure that the program is applicable to the students and their situation in order to have an opportunity for the program to work. Another great idea is to use this research to create your own programs based on your findings. The teacher is now becoming a teacher-researcher in order to test their own situation with their created program. This is a great way to create a program for your unique students and still have the support of research that has been shown to work. If the program is successful, it is a great idea to share it with other colleagues because it may be affective for them as well. As with any type of instruction method there are always positives and negatives. Evidence-based reading instruction promotes the fact that that particular method has had a record of being successful. Teachers can look into studies that have been tested on students similar to their own, and give these programs a try. They have been shown to be successful and provide instruction that lead to a higher literacy achievement for that group of similar students. In doing this, you know there is a good chance that the method can work with your students, as opposed to trying something new that has no research to back it up. These research studies show why and how the program works, along with providing data showing the difference it has made with the students. As stated earlier, not every child has the capacity to learn the same way. What works for one student, may not work for another. So even though these programs have been shown to work, they are not guaranteed to work for your students. As teachers in the United States we will be teaching students that come from many different cultural backgrounds. Different cultures have different opinions on the best way to educate students, however they all place great value on education for children. Some of these students may just be learning to speak English, while others have lived in the United States for their whole lives. It is important, as the teacher, to get to know each student and their cultural background. This allows you to understand the needs of the child and how they can be met. Discover the child’s strengths and weaknesses and create a plan that can be used to help that child. It is important to know what is important to each student and what may be stressed in the home. The teacher needs to take into consideration how different cultural backgrounds of students may affect the classroom dynamics and learning. Students may also have certain behaviors that are taking place in the classroom, but it could be a cultural reason for why that is taking place. The largest student group identified receiving special education services is students with learning disabilities. A learning disability is a general term that refers to a group of disorders where students may face difficulty. These disorders include learning to read, write, speak, listen, or do math. Out of all the students with learning disabilities about 80% have been diagnosed with having a reading problem. The goal for students with learning disabilities, especially reading disorders, is to be on the same academic level as our general education students. For some this is an attainable goal, where for others it is not. There are many ways we can help these students improve their literacy skills. Since many of these students are reading below grade level we need to provide them with reading materials that are at their current level. If it is too difficult they will become frustrated and may give up. These students need high interest, easy to read books so that they can begin to enjoy reading and see themselves as readers and learners. In today’s schools more than 20% of school aged children speak languages other than English at home. Many of these children have difficulty speaking English and the majority of these students having difficulty are speaking Spanish in their homes. English Language Learners need to be able to read, write and understand the English language in order to become successful in today’s classrooms. We should be focusing on the student’s strengths in order to help them understand English. One strategy is allowing students to read in their native language if they are literate in that language. This allows them to understand the same reading as another child who may be reading it in English. Many times these students are seen as reading on a lower level, but it is only because of a language barrier. They don’t understand how to read in English. There are also many books that come with translations. Having students read a book in their language and then trying to read it in English can be helpful because they understand and know what the story is about, so when they face difficulty understanding the English version they can compare and figure it out. In doing this they can also make connections to many words in their own language by using cognates. This can foster comprehension by activating prior knowledge in both languages. It is important to allow them the opportunity to read in their native language because it offers a sense of comfort and success to the student.

Ethical Debates in Abortion and Euthanasia

Ethical Debates in Abortion and Euthanasia Autonomy can be defined as self-rule and it is a persons or patients basic right. This principle means that an adult who is an informed and competent patient has the right to accept or refuse any treatments, drugs or surgical procedures. These decisions must be taken in to consideration even if these choices are not in the best interest of the patient. It is a healthcare professionals duty and responsibility to respect patients autonomy. Although sometimes this can be difficult as it may conflict with paternalistic attitudes of other healthcare professionals. A persons autonomy could be overridden in cases such as, if an individuals decision puts public health in danger or could potentially harm others, that persons autonomy may be restricted. Autonomy is often used in the ethical debate of euthanasia. Though it is a patients freedom to make decisions on their own treatment, the concept of autonomy is misunderstood in the case of ending an individuals life. In this case, although a patient is capable of giving valid consent, a doctor does not have the authority to treat a patient unless he has signed a written consent. 2. In order to produce a non-maleficence conclusion without reducing the benefits for others the social worker could approach Bernie with the idea of informally admitting himself to hospital. If Bernie was to become unhappy at any time during his stay he would be able to discharge himself without the pressure of feeling isolated, but he would still be offered the help he needs. This would take some of the pressure off his parents, his mother would then feel less threatened knowing that Bernie is being cared for properly and receiving the help he needs to address his problems. (Psychotic episode, grief counselling, family counselling). His mother and father could then start to concentrate on their own problems and try to correct their relationship. If the whole family where to address their individual problems, it could be suggested this would then in turn create a better family life with effective communication. 3. For the justification for Bernie to be sectioned under the Mental Health Act would depend on Bernies state of mind. Bernie is unwilling to be voluntarily admitted to hospital, so if he was to be sectioned this would enable him to be treated with the correct medication such as anti-psychotic medication which would help treat psychosis. Although if Bernie is not actually psychotic and just grieving for his grandmother then being sectioned would not be justified as his problems could be treated with counselling in the community to help resolve his family issues. If Bernie was to be sectioned this could change how people look at Bernie in the future for example job applications and generally within the community. Bernie has often used threatening behaviour towards his parents, if this was to escalate the sectioning of Bernie could be the only option and then would be justified to protect his family and himself from violence. Abortion The ethical debate regarding abortion asks whether it is morally right to deliberately terminate a pregnancy before childbirth. In the early part of the 20th century laws were brought in to reduce access to legal abortion. Many women resorted to seeking out backstreet abortionists, which either permanently damaged their health or even ended their life due to unwanted pregnancies. In 1967 the Abortion Act became law, since then the act has been unsuccessfully challenged many times by pro-life groups who still try to limit the access to abortions. Looking at abortion from a moral view there are many dimensions which are linked to abortion. This debate is very complex and every question leads to sub-questions and sub-parts. There are pro-life enthusiasts who are against abortion and pro-choice groups who are partially or completely in favour of termination of pregnancy. Pro-life groups/people argue that that it is ethically/morally wrong to kill a foetus which has potential to live; they believe that every foetus is alive and has the capacity to develop into a human being like us. So killing a foetus is the same as killing a human being which is wrong. Pro-choice groups regard abortion as acceptable in some circumstances such as there being a serious medical problem which could endanger the foetus or mothers life, the foetus will suffer from mental or physical abnormalities or where the pregnancy was unintentional for example rape of failure of contraception. Two philosophical theories that could be applied to this debate could be natural law and virtue ethics. Natural law main focus is on actions, it asks if an action is good or bad and in accordance with nature. One of the primary precepts is protect and preserve the innocent. From this we get a secondary precept do not abort. This is an absolute moral rule that you should not kill an innocent person. This is how the Catholic Church views abortion and therefore condemns abortion in all instances. The Church of England tries to encourage the issues surrounding abortion, the church recognises that all individuals have different views regarding this sensitive matter. The 1983 resolution of Synod stated: That in situations where the continuance of a pregnancy threatens the life of the mother a termination of pregnancy may be justified and that there must be adequate and safe provision in our society for such situations Church of England General Synod, 1983 There are a few Catholics that disagree with the Vatican regarding abortion. They argue against the total ban on abortion with arguments such as: Theologians such as Aquinas and Augustine who believed that a foetus does not become a person until between 40 and 80 days after conception has occurred. Every Catholic has the right and responsibility to follow their own conscience on moral matters. Though pro-choice Catholics dont see abortion as being morally good they to argue that there could be situations where it is the least bad moral choice that is available at the time. Virtue ethics are concerned with what kind of people we should be. It helps to develop characteristics which help to make moral decisions easier, for example whether to consider and abortion or not. These ethics dont say that abortion is right or wrong but that it is up to the individuals personal character. A decision that a woman makes about an abortion must contribute towards her happiness. A person, who is virtuous and has disciplined themselves in the virtues of temperance, would be in a better state of mind and condition to decide on the important matter of having an abortion. In some countries such as India, aborting foetuses which are to be born girls are becoming a major problem. Some cultures prefer to have baby boys, so request are termination purely on the basis that the child is female. Pro-choice activist and author Janet Hadley, sex selection abortions in India are extremely common: All over India, there are clinics performing amniocentesis and ultrasound scans, even in districts too poor to afford supplies of clean drinking water. Every day, an estimated 3000 female foetuses are aborted. And there are doctors making a mint. Janet Hadley Abortion: between Freedom and Necessity (Great Britain: Virago Press 1996) 88 Female foeticide is more common than male foeticide, countries, in particular India and China, are more likely to have serious consequences on the balance of the genders in the population. The reasons behind these are mostly cultural, rather than religious. When it comes to this very sensitive debate, I feel I can honestly say that I am neither, for or against abortion. I do feel it is every womans right to decide. Until I am placed in a position where I am undecided on whether to continue with a pregnancy or not, I find it very difficult to have an opinion. Working in an operating theatre, it is part of my role to be part of a surgical team which carries out termination of pregnancies. I think doing this job has influenced me to have an impartial view on this matter. I have seen patients use this procedure as a form of contraception, but have also had to be with patients who have made the decision to terminate their pregnancy due to foetal abnormalities and miscarriage. Every womans circumstances are different and should be taken into consideration, and in a lot of these cases we have to consider the fathers feelings which a lot of people tend to forget. Euthanasia Euthanasia is the act of deliberately ending a persons life in order to end their suffering. According to English law both euthanasia and assisted suicide are illegal. This process is sometimes called mercy killing. Euthanasia can fall into categories such as: voluntary euthanasia where a person makes the decision to die and asks for help enable to do this. Non-voluntary euthanasia is when a person is unable to make the decision or give consent to die, for reasons such as being in a coma or being brain damaged, another person will make the decision on their behalf. This could be because the patient expressed their wishes for their life to be ended in these circumstances. Involuntary euthanasia is where someone is killed regardless of their wishes. There has always been lots of controversy surrounding the debate on euthanasia and whether this act should be legal or not. In most countries euthanasia is seen as a criminal homicide or murder. Although in countries such as Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg these practices are still considered legal. Killing is inexcusable yet is seen as excusable when used as a criminal punishment? Arguments regarding this debate can often depend on which method is used to carry out the end of life for the patient. There are many arguments on this debate, many of which fall into different categories such as ethical, practical and religious arguments and many more. Some ethical arguments for anti-euthanasia may include: Euthanasia weakening the respect in society and the sanctity of life, and all human beings are valued regardless of age, religion, sex etc. Voluntary euthanasia could be the start of a slippery slope which may lead to involuntary euthanasia; where a person who wants to live is killed regardless of their wishes. Euthanasia can affect other peoples hum rights, not just those of the patients, for example, family, relatives and even medical staff. Practical arguments for anti-euthanasia in this debate could be: If palliative care was to be carried out properly euthanasia would not needed to be necessary, it could help prevent a patient feeling this is the only option. Doctors should not be allowed to decide when a patient should die; legalisation of this would put doctors in a position of power which would be unacceptable. Religious people feel that euthanasia is against the will of god. Although god has given us all free will, they argue that it would be wrong for us to kill ourselves or ask another to do it for them. The slippery slope argument explains the fears of voluntary euthanasia becoming legal and where it may lead, such as involuntary euthanasia. If the law changes and voluntary euthanasia becomes legal, how would we be able to keep it under control? Without official regulations and control mechanisms proponents of euthanasia feel it would never be legalised Where would this slippery slope lead to? Could doctors start killing patients without their permission? Would doctors kill patients to save money and create more free beds? We conclude that is was virtually impossible to ensure that all acts of euthanasia were truly voluntary and that any liberations of the law in the United Kingdom could not be abused. We were also concerned that vulnerable people the elderly, lonely, sick or distressed would feel pressure, whether real or imagined, to request early death. Lord Walton, Chairman, House of Lords Select Committee on Medical Ethics looking into euthanasia, 1993. Why do people want euthanasia? Most people think that the main reason that people choose to seek euthanasia is because of them being in severe and unbearable pain. There are many psychological factors such as depression, feeling like a burden, the loss of their dignity and not wanting to be dependent which cause people to think of euthanasia. People consider what quality of life they are going to have, for example; a terminally ill patient can be damaged by physical conditions e.g. incontinence, vomiting, paralysis and difficulty breathing. Some peoples arguments may include: People have the right to die when and how they would like; being independent gives them the right to carry out decisions about themselves. A libertarian argument believes that if an action is in the best interest of everybody, then it does not violate anybodys rights, so is morally acceptable. Euthanasia happens, so is it not better to legalise it and make it regulated properly. People are allowed to die with dignity and in their own way. Relatives are spared from watching their loved ones suffer and die painfully. Utilitarianism believes that moral rules should produce the greatest happiness of the greatest people. Looking at it from utilitarian point of view, people who are allowed to die a good death when they choose will allow them to be happier in their final days. Utilitarianism looks at total human happiness and not just that of the patient involved. People who agree with this principle would see the negative effect it would have on those around the patient such as the family, friends and the healthcare professionals, these negative effects would outweigh those of the patient. Kants ethical theory has a different perspective to utilitarianism. Kants theory on mortality derived from the Greek deontology, which means obligation. He didnt agree with the making of moral choices out of compassion or kindness. He believed in what was the right thing to do, and choosing to fight the dying process is more important than just simply ending it all because of suffering and pain. Kant felt that the intentions of and act was more important than the actual act itself. I think that euthanasia is one of the most complicated debates to date. Its very hard to say whether you are either for or against euthanasia until you are put in a position where you could choose to live or die. The only way I could possibly have an opinion on this matter would be to imagine if it was a member of my family wanting to die. If I thought that they were going to have no quality of life and there was no hope of recovering then maybe I would consider euthanasia if it was what they wanted, the only way I would do this would be with their consent. I do strongly feel it does depend on each situation and the mental state of the patient, as voluntary euthanasia could be made and easy option if someone was to have suicidal tendencies.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues - Homosexuals Should be Allowed Same-Sex Marriage :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Free Argumentative Essays - Homosexuals Should be Allowed to Marry A gay California man, whose partner died in the September 11 terrorist attacks has become "legally vulnerable in ways (he) could never imagine"(Urges 1). Keith Brodowski lost his life partner, Jeff Coleman, to American Airlines flight 11, which was the first plane to hit the World Trade Center. Coleman was a flight attendant. Brodowski is now battling the state and the nation for survivors' benefits, granted to the widows of those who died. It took the powerful words of Brodowski's testimony to move legislation to grant partial inheritance rights for registered domestic partners in California(Lambda 1). Married couples had to go through nothing of this caliper for their benefits. Marcye and Karen Nicholson-McFadden have a child. When the baby was born, they faced a hospital full of staff who refused to acknowledge them as a couple. Now, two years later, they are expecting another child and do not want to face the same trials again. Marital rights would protect their children, their jointly owned business, and their hospital care. Marcye asks "How do we let our children know that our family is as valuable as traditional families even though the government doesn't think so?"(Staiton 1). These are only two examples of troubles facing homosexuals today. In a survey conducted by Partners Task Force for Gay and Lesbian Couples, over fifty percent of lesbians and forty percent of gay men had faced problems obtaining employment benefits, lower tax rates, and insurance breaks because civil unions are not recognized as a legal marriage. Other discriminations included employment, housing, hotels, hospital visitation, adoption, and many more. (Partners 3) These problems could have been eliminated if the couple had been legally recognized as married. In their own eyes, 88% of the women and 56% of the men considered themselves married (Partners 7). Their relationships need to be recognized in the eyes of the law! When a married person dies, his or her spouse is considered the next of kin. This A homosexual's surviving partner does not have that right. Even in cases where wills are present, family members have sued for burial rights, property etc.

Monday, August 19, 2019

From the second reich to the wiemar republic :: essays research papers

From the Second Reich to the Weimar Republic The Second Reich The constitution of the second Reich: The Kaiser was hereditary for life and he was the Supreme Commander of the army The Chancellor was chosen by the Kaiser and was also usually the chairman of the Bundesrat. The Bundesrat was the upper house of parliament. Members were chosen by the State Government. The 17 Prussian representatives could veto any law. The Reichstag was less important than the Bundesrat in making laws. They could only approve the laws proposed by the Chancellor and the Bundesrat. The Reichstag was the lower house of parliament, with members elected by all men over the age of 25, fewer could vote in Prussia This was very undemocratic as people had little say over the passing of laws. The Reichstag, the house of parliament that the people voted for, had very little power over the creation of laws. The Kaiser was almost a dictator. Ludendorff realised that Germany was going to be defeated in 1918. He told the Kaiser that the war must end. In October, the Germans asked President Woodrow Wilson to organise an end to the fighting. He agreed but demanded that the Kaiser must go. Starvation and riots spread though Germany and on 30th October, the German Navy refused to launch a desperate attack on the British Navy. The Kaiser finally agreed to abdicate and on the 11th November an armistice was signed. This was the end of the Second Reich. The Weimar Republic The new government wanted to introduce a parliamentary democracy. This was because President Wilson refused to offer peace to the Germans until it had a government which wanted democracy. However, this meant that some Germans felt that democracy was being forced upon them by their enemies. The constitution of the Weimar Republic: The President was in power for 7 years and was elected by all adults over the age of 21. He was the Supreme Commander of the army and he chose the Chancellor. The Chancellor had the support of a majority of the Reichstag. The Reichstag was the lower house of parliament, elected by all adults over the age of 21. It was more important than the Reichsrat and could make laws. The Reichsrat was the upper house of parliament and could only approve laws proposed by the Chancellor and the Reichstag. Weaknesses of the new constitution: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Proportional Representation – this meant that if a party received 5% of the votes, they would also receive 5% of the seats in the Reichstag.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Anorexia and Bulimia Essay -- Causes of Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bulimia Nervosa [also known as Bulimia] is a very serious and dangerous eating disorder. The disorder can be describe as bingeing and then followed by purging or a person who eats a large amount of food in short periods of time and then vomits after eating to prevent on gaining the weight cause by the food. There is different ways of going about ways to prevent the weight gain, making oneself throw up, taking pills, or laxatives which will increase how fast the food will move through your body, exercising excessively, eating a little amount or not at all, or taking other pills to pass urine This disorder is mostly between the ages of 15 and 35, even if they have no specific food disorders. Studies made in Europe and USA have underlined the fact that roughly 10% of women in this age bracket say they and provoke vomiting occasionally 2% vomit once or more per week. This disorder is most commonly found in girls and in their late teen years, but that’s not to s ay it does not happen to boys it does but it is very rare. With a person who has bulimia it is very hard to tell by their appearance because when you have Bulimia you look average weight or just below it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This disorder is split up into 3 different illnesses they all have a lot in common but also have differences. The first type is Simple, simple bulimia nervosa usually affects girls at age 18 years old. The cause for this illness is under confident about oneself but come from good backgrounds. This illness is usually triggered by a short time of depression, such as a break up with a boyfriend. The girls who have simple bulimia nervosa have had a normal life as made friends normally and then they will have the short depression period and they will learn to hate themselves and their appearance. Usually diets start to boost up ones self esteem and then they cheat during the diet and vomiting will occur after eating. This form of bulimia is the least out of all 3 forms severe. But that is not to say that the girls who do this don’t progress into worst conditions. Another form of the disorder is Anorexic Bulimia Nervosa this is almost a mixture between Anorexic a nd Bulimia. It starts off as just a brief period of anorexic and then when that is over the sufferer recovers the illness by a short period of stabilized weight... ... and mental health professionals come in to help the patient recover. In different cases of the disorder family therapy is the best way to help overcome the disorder and helps eat healthy again. The family has a big effect on the sufferer and has to help the person realize that there body shape if perfectly fine and doesn’t need to be thin to make anyone happy. There is always Clinics that may help treat the disorder, the treatment is structured and controlled so that they have to eat in a better and healthier way. If there is no desire and hospitalizing is not necessary for the sufferer then there is the choice of outpatients by having weekly visits to a therapist and sometimes needs psychotherapy for the medicine, which can be more effective in worst cases. These disorders should not be left alone or untreated they can damage the body and soul and if left untreated the disorder can kill and at the best leave you looking terrible and feeling worse. These disorders may hel p you lose weight or not let you gain any, but in the long run it can seriously harm one and not only do these disorders affect the sufferer it also affects the people around them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Golgi apparatus

IntroductionThe Golgi setup ( GA ) , besides called Golgi organic structure or Golgi complex and found universally in both works and animate being cells, is typically comprised of a series of five to eight cup-shaped, membrane-covered pouch called cisternae that look something like a stack of chapfallen balloons. In some unicellular mastigophorans, nevertheless, every bit many as 60 cisternae may unite to do up the Golgi setup. Similarly, the figure of Golgi organic structures in a cell varies harmonizing to its map. Animal cells by and large contain between 10s and 20 Golgi stacks per cell, which are linked into a individual composite by cannular connexions between cisternae. This complex is normally located near to the cell karyon. The Golgi setup processes proteins which are ever focused to the plasma are ever focused to the plasma membrane or endosome. It besides sorts assorted proteins within cysts and helps them to present throughout the cell via endoplasmic Reticulum. Eukaryotic cells are the topographic point where Golgi setup is found. They are besides found largely near heavy protein concentration. Plasma-B cells which secrete protein antibodies have outstanding Golgi setup. Proteins are transported by Golgi setup, but it is non wholly understood about the manner it does it. It is possible that the setup itself moves through cisternae patterned advance, or that proteins diffuse from one cisternae to the following. Golgi setup ‘s operation is the alteration of glycoproteins used in the building of the cell membrane. It takes simplified glycosylated proteins from the cysts and creates a diverseness of saccharide constructions on proteins for a assortment of utilizations. [ 1 ] Morphology The term morphology is by and large attributed to the German poet, novelist, dramatist, and philosopher Johahnn Wolfgang von Goethe ( 1749-1832 ) who coined it early in the 19th century in a biological context. Its etymology is Grecian: morph-means form, signifier, and morphology is the survey of signifier or signifiers. In biological science morphology refers to the survey of the signifier and construction of beings, and geology it refers to the survey of the constellation and development of land signifiers. In linguistics morphology refers to the mental system involved in word formation or to the subdivision. [ 3 ] The Golgi setup Golgi setup was one of the first organelles of all time observed because of it big organelle size and form. In 1897, an Italian doctor named Camillo Golgi investigated and developed Golgi setup. Many scientists did non believe that what Golgi observed was a existent organelle nowadays in the cell and alternatively argued that the evident organic structure was a ocular deformation caused by staining. The innovation of the negatron microscope in the 20th century eventually confirmed that the Golgi setup is a cellular cell organ. The Golgi setup is frequently considered the distribution and transportation section for the cell ‘s chemical merchandises. It modifies proteins and lipoids ( fats ) that have been built in the endoplasmic Reticulum and prepares them for export outside of the cell or for conveyance to other locations in the cell. The cysts fuse with the Golgi membranes and let go of their internally stored molecules into the cell organ. Once indoors, the compounds are farther processed by the Golgi setup, which adds molecules or chops bantam pieces off the terminals. When completed, the merchandise is extruded from the GA in a cyst and directed to its concluding finish inside or outside the cell. The alterations to molecules that take topographic point in the Golgi setup occur in an orderly manner. Each Golgi stack has two distinguishable terminals, or faces. The cis face of a Golgi stack is the terminal of the cell organ where substances enter from the endoplasmic Reticulum for processing, while the trans face is where they exit in the signifier of smaller degage cysts. Consequently, the Commonwealth of Independent States face is found near the endoplasmic Reticulum, from where most of the stuff it receives comes, and the trans face is positioned near the plasma membrane of the cell, to where many of the substances it modifies are shipped. The chemical makeup of each face is different and the enzymes contained in the lms ( interior unfastened infinites ) of the cisternae between the faces are typical. Proteins, saccharides, phospholipids, and other molecules formed in the endoplasmic Reticulum are transported to the Golgi setup to be biochemically modified during their passage from the Commonwealth of Independent States to the trans poles of the composite. Enzymes present in the Golgi lms modify the saccharide ( or sugar ) part of glycoproteins by adding or deducting single sugar monomers. In add-on, the Golgi setup manufactures a assortment of supermolecules on its ain, including a assortment of polyoses. The Golgi composite in works cells produces pectins and other polyoses specifically needed by for works construction and metamorphosis. The merchandises exported by the Golgi setup through the trans face finally fuse with the plasma membrane of the cell. Among the most of import responsibilities of the Golgi setup is to screen the broad assortment of supermolecules produced by the cell and aim them for distribution to their proper location. Specialized molecular designation labe ls or tickets, such as phosphate groups, are added by the Golgi enzymes to help in this screening attempt. [ 4 ] Shape of Golgi setup The Golgi setup looks like a stack of battercakes, and these tonss are called Cisternae. The cisteria is filled with cardinal liquid-filled country and made up of two – bed membrane. Normally 4 to 8 consist in a individual Golgi composite, but in some beings there can be every bit many as 60. The figure of Golgi composites in each animate being cell is typically between 10s and 20. The Golgi setup is non attached to any other cell organ, but floats freely in the cell. There are two terminals for each Golgi organic structure, one is cis face and the other is trans face. The cis face is closest to the atomic membrane and the endoplasmic Reticulum, while the trans face is oriented outward toward the plasma membrane of the cell. The Functions of the Golgi setup The primary maps of the Golgi composite are treating proteins synthesized in the endoplasmic Reticulum ( ER ) and directing molecules made in assorted countries of the cell to their future locations in or out of the cell. Some of the alterations made inside the Golgi complex include:Attaching polyoses to proteins to organize saccharidesTo cut protein into smaller active fragmentsIntegrating phosphates onto protein moleculesAddition of a sulfate group to moleculesIn add-on to modifying molecules made elsewhere in the cell, the Golgi setup besides makes a few of its ain merchandises. Some of the most of import molecules created in the Golgi composite are the Lysosomes, molecules that operate to digest dead or unneeded constituents in the cell, thereby maintaining the cell clean and free of dust, and complex sugars. 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Friday, August 16, 2019

Compare and contrast the ways Essay

Compare and contrast the ways in which language expresses the feelings of anger and frustration felt, by Hamlet and Claudius. Shakespeare uses very strong and powerful language in both of the speeches to express to the audience the strong feelings of anger and guilt felt by Hamlet and Claudius at this point in the play. The speeches are both commenced with a sorrowful expression, `O’, I think this demonstrates their pain and grief about what they both feel is their fault. I think Claudius feels he perhaps shouldn’t have murdered his brother, but is still trapped inindecisiveness and his thoughts conflict each other, through guiltabout being a murderer, and where he would be and what he would not have if he hadn’t taken action to try and lift his place in society. Hamlet feels he should have already taken action to avenge his father’s murder, so feels guilty about his inert efforts and decisions. The `o’s are then followed by degradation, Hamlet says `What a rogue and peasant slave am I’, and Claudius says `My offence is rank it smells to heaven’. The way in which these lines are similar that they are both degradations, but they are in different in their nature. Hamlet degrades himself by calling himself the lowest most worthless criminal, whilst Claudius degrades the crime he has committed and says it’s the worst crime he could have committed. Their feelings of anger and frustration are demonstrated with the use of powerful adjectives in his self condemnations, such as `monstrous’, `horrid’ and `damned’. They enable the audience to build vivid mental images of powerful items, which brings the feelings of self hatred experienced by the characters to  life, enabling the audience to feel the character’s pain and grief. A difference in Shakespeare’s portrayal of the character’s similar feelings, is that the language used in Hamlet’s speech explicitly shows his deep feelings, as he forcefully explains his grief and sorrow about the situation, `I am pigeon livered and lack gall to make oppression bitter,’ Hamlet clearly shows that he feels he is lacking courage and confidence. But in Claudius’ speech he explains how he feels bad about what he has done, but he doesn’t use such dramatic and descriptive language, whilst quietly explaining how he feels. ` It hath the primal eldest curse upon’t. ‘ I think this explains that Claudius feels angry at what he has done, but I don’t think it’s as harsh as the way Hamlet degrades and insults himself. I think Hamlet’s speech can be separated into sections, each describing his stages of emotion and the three mental phases he goes through, first he feels guilty about not taking action to avenge his father’s murder, then he feels angry at himself for wasting time feeling guilty instead of making a plan and finally he decides to take action and form a plan. I think this helps to show the levels of Hamlet’s grief and frustration and puts across to the audience that Hamlet’s feelings are a complex mixture or reasons and emotions and not just one like Claudius. I think Claudius’ anger and frustration is about killing his brother and throughout his speech he concentrates the whole speech to this unlike Hamlet who has mixed feelings and goes through different states of mind during his speech. I think on the surface Hamlet and Claudius have different feelings about the murder of the king, but deep inside they share similar emotions. Hamlet describes his father’s murder as a `damned defeat’, meaning a defeat as an act of destruction, which I think is a powerful way of expressing the anger and grief he feels about it, because he is saying that Claudius hasn’t only destroyed a part of him, he has irreparably removed part of his life because what has been destroyed cannot be replaced. Similarly in Claudius’ speech. References Visible links Hidden links: 1. http://www. coursework. info/.

Notes How Steinbeck develops the character of Curly’s wife Essay

Notes for controlled assessment: Examine how Steinbeck develops the character of Curly’s wife. INTRO. Develops through different themes and emotions through book. Introduced through males eyes negatively. Gives reader impression she is promiscuous and dangerous. ‘Tart, jailbait, tramp. First appearance in book describes her as flirtatious/temptress. As book progresses the views on the character change from initial perception. Tries to exert some power in the hierarchal structure on the ranch (Crooks). Above all is crying out for attention and company, loneliness seals fate. Themes in order: 1. No name/negative image. 2. Attractiveness/attention. 3. Loneliness. 4. Tragedy/victim/women in 1930s. 1. Introduced to the reader through the eyes/opinions of the males. Quote. Not once mentioned to have a name. Defined by her relationship, not an individual. No real meaning, existence no real identity. Disrespectful. Echo’s how women were treated in 1930s hierarchy (explain). No opinions/rights on matters; could’ve led to feelings of loneliness and victim of discrimination. Quote. Is above Crooks & uses that power. Quote. Sausages. Quote. Fashionable but described unattractive & negative. The way in which she talks. Quote. Portrayed as weak & delicate. Powerless. 2. Young. Probably doesn’t intentionally mean to come across as a tramp or tart. Bored, has nobody to talk to. Her sexuality, provocativeness & the way she portrays herself as a temptress leaves her considered dangerous. Attractiveness is her weapon, no use as no one likes her. Wears red. Quote. Red nails. Brazenness. Reminds reader of Weed & foreshadows things to come (death). In red when introduced and red when killed. Change of description at death. Quote. Sweet, young and innocence. Uses it for attention. Gets the wrong kind of attention. All because of loneliness. 3. From the start Steinbeck uses irony. Soledad/Spanish/solitude. Loneliness, isolation & seclusion how she feels. Quote. Wants company, lonely, doesn’t receive love and affection she needs/a young girl would want. Doesn’t understand why nobody will speak with her. Quote. Only female on the ranch. Demonstrates inner feelings, reader sympathises. Quote. In the end finally confides in someone, Lennie, leads to death. 4. Loneliness leads to her tragic death. Possible foreshadowing of death through loneliness- explain. Nobody will talk but then when Lennie does it results in her death Quote in a way putting her out of misery. Introduced as a girl quote no powerful presence from start, girl gives impression of vulnerability. Surrounded by all males/only female on ranch. Death that of tragedy as she tells of bright future promised quote felt betrayed by family to then settle with Curly. Women had no real career opportunities, heartbroken to end up a housewife like the rest, trying to live the ‘American Dream’ had hope and very nearly independence. CONC

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Embracing Perspectives Essay

What does an apology really mean? Does mean being sorry? Or maybe it means giving something to compensate. It might even mean both or none of these things. The Rwandan genocide and Indian residential schools are legacies of historical globalization. We should embrace the perspectives behind these kinds of historical legacies to the fullest of our ability. People need to realize all the perspectives behind an issue. We need to learn from these actions of globalization and explore contemporary society’s responsibilities to address these injustices. The legacies continue to affect us today. For example, the residential schools were a dishonorable memory in the Canadian history. The Indian children were isolated from their cultures and removed from their homes. Their were sexual, mental and physical brutalities in residential schools. Our contemporary society responded to this issue in 2008 giving an apology from our prime minister and getting additional rights. Our society did everything they could to compensate for what happen in history. Our society gave an apology and a source for compensation. Although that is good it not all that can be done, we should embrace the perspectives reflected in historical globalization. Educating people about the different perspectives is important. For instance the residential schools, we need to highlight the perspectives of the children, the perspectives of the parents and the perspectives of the people behind residential schools. This is the only way to understand the whole story. If you only understand the perspective of only one party, it is like reading half or maybe even less of a book, and saying you understand the story line. It is evident that we should embrace the perspectives reflected in the source regarding legacies of historical globalization. We see this in the different legacies of historical issues. The issue in Rwanda is a detrimental chapter in historical globalization. The countries that should have been helping Rwanda at that time did not because simply they had no investments to gain from. If these countries were to understand the perspectives of everyone involved in this global issue they would have seen that the perspective of every one was important not only their own nations. Clearly the extent to which we embrace perspectives was not to the fullest and as a result there were millions of death and brutal murders. The residential schools and the Rwandan genocide were both a great example of how different perspectives should be embraced to a fullest extent. Without knowing all the perspectives to good extent it is not possible to understand the full story, therefore we cannot stop violence of an issue or even learn to properly apologize or a nation cannot apologize for historical cold-bloodedness. We should embrace the perspectives behind these kinds of historical legacies to the fullest of our ability. It is clear and evident that understanding the perspectives behind a complex issue is the first and the major step to apologize for a society or to stop a conflict even in current time.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Lifes of Rizal in Hongkong and Macao Essay

Haunted by enemies and threatened by friars, Rizal was forced to leave Philippines for the second time. It was February 1888 then. Rizal at 27 was an embittered victim of human iniquities, a disillusioned dreamer, and a frustrated reformer. This was the start of Rizal’s second travel. On February 3, 1888, after six months of stay in Calamba, Rizal left Manila for Hong Kong on board the Zafiro. He was sad and sick during the crossing of the choppy China Sea. He did not get off the ship when it made a stopover at Amoy, because he was sick, it was raining and the city was dirty. He arrived in Hong Kong on February 8. In Hong Kong, Rizal stayed at Victoria Hotel. He was welcomed by the Filipino community in Hong Kong. During this time, a Spaniard, Jose Varanda, was shadowing Rizal’s movements in Hong Kong. It is believed that he was ordered to spy on Rizal. On February 18, Rizal accompanied by Basa, boarded the ferry steamer Kiu-Kiang for Macao. He was surprised to see a familiar figure among the passengers—Sainz de Varanda. Rizal described Macao as a small, low and gloomy. There are many junks, sampans, but few steamers, it looks sad and is almost dead-like. The two stayed in at the home of Don Juan Francisco Lecaros who was married to a Portuguese lady. During his two day stay in Macao, he visited the theater, casino, cathedral and churches, pagodas and botanical gardens and the bazaars. He also saw the famous Grotto of Camoens. In the evening of February 19, he witnessed a Catholic procession wherein the devotees were dressed in blue and purple dresses and were carrying unlighted candles. On February 20, Rizal and Basa returned to Hong Kong on board the ferry steamer Kiu-Kiang. A Landmark in Honor of Rizal’s Visit in Hong Kong Rizal stayed in Hong Kong for two weeks. There he studied the Chinese way of life, language, drama and customs. Rizal noticed some experiences and wrote them in his diary. Some of them include the noisy celebration of the Chinese New Year which lasted from February 11th to 13th. There were continuous explosion of firecrackers and he himself fired many at the window of his hotel. He also observed the boisterous Chinese theater, the marathon Lauriat party, which was the longest meal in the world; the Dominican Order was the richest religious order in Hong Kong, and the cemeteries. On February 22, 1888, Rizal left Hong Kong on board the Oceanic, an American steamer and his destination was Japan. Rizal did not like the meals on board but liked the ship because it was clean and efficiently managed. Chapter 11 In Hong Kong and Macao 1888 Hounded by powerful enemies, Rizal was forced to leave his country for a second time in February 1888. He was then a full- grown man of 27 years of age, a practicing physician, and a recognized man-of-letters. The first time he went aboard in June 1882, he was a mere lad of 21, a youthful student in search of wisdom in the Old World, a romantic idealist with beautiful dreams of emancipating his people from bondage by the magic power of his pen. Times had changed. Rizal at 27 was an embittered victim of human iniquities, a disillusioned dreamer, a flustrated reformer. The Trip to Hong Kong. On February 3, 1888, after a short stay of six months in his beloved Calamba, Rizal left Manila for Hong Kong on board the Zafiro. He was sick and sad during the crossing of the choppy China Sea. He did not get off his ship when it made brief stopover at Amoy on February 7. for three reasons: (1) he was not feeling well, (2) it was raining hard, and (3) he heard that the city was dirty. He arrived in Hong Kong on February 8. During his stay in Hong Kong, a British colony, Rizal wrote a letter to Blumentritt, dated February 16, 1888, expressing his bitterness. In Hong Kong, Rizal stayed at Victoria Hotel. He was welcomed by the Filipino residents, including Jose Maria Basa, Balbino Mauricio, and Manuel Yriarte, (son of Francisco Yriarte, alcalde mayor of Laguna). A Spaniard, Jose Sainz de Varanda, who was a former secretary of Governor General Terrero, shadowed Rizal’s movement in Hong Kong. It is believed that he was commissioned by the Spanish authorities to spy on Rizal. Hong Kong, wrote Rizal to Blumentritt on February 16, 1888, is a small, but very clean city. Many Portuguese, Hindus, English, Chinese, and Jews live in it. There are some Filipinos, the majority of whom being those who had been exiled to the Marianas Islands in 1872. They are poor, gentle, and timid. Formerly they were rich mechanics

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Affirmative action Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Affirmative action - Dissertation Example As the report declares Affirmative Action is expressed through the formulation of agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which ensures that all forms of discrimination at the workplace are avoided as far as possible. For example, one of the forms of discrimination that exists as the workplace, especially among police officers, is sexual discrimination and harrassment towards members of both sexes. The term harassment is a wide ranging one and is not restricted merely to the coercion into the sexual act. It includes any and all forms of unwanted sexual attention, or sexual coercion, gender sneer or suggestive subtext. Discriminatory behavior could result in verbal and physical abuse of a criminal in an inferior position with a law enforcement officer. This discussion stresses that at the workplace, sexual harassment of women police officers becomes particularly distressing for the victim because of the enforced nature of the contact and the necessity to endure the unpleasantness for the sake of retaining one’s job and the source of one’s daily income. In the United States, harassment is defined simply as a hostile work environment where unwanted are demands are made to directly or indirectly interfere with a person’s employment and interfere with the individual’s performance – affirmative action helps to address these concerns. Affirmative action is even more necessary in the employment of police officers.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Critical paper for the film The Lives of Others Essay

Critical paper for the film The Lives of Others - Essay Example He also is aware of the consequences that may come with him and his career that is why he is loyal to the government although we come to realize later that he does not believe in the government after all. Christa is a character who plays the role of the mistress to Dreyman. She is admired by many including the minister in charge of the culture of East Germany. She is a supporting partner and is strong in her characters. She loves Dreyman and defends him in their course. She shares in the ideology of her master. Her character can also be explained using the Unitarianism theory that emphasizes the need to analyze a situation and predict its outcome. The right theory can also help in explaining her behavior toward the government minister and also the respect she accords to her man and Wiesler. Christa understands that she is a beautiful lady but is contented with what she has, and that is why she does not choose the minister but stays with Dreyman, the playwright. She supports her wife in all his undergoing. Wiesler is among major characters in the film. His role sees him play the characters of a captain of the East Germany secret police. Apparently, he stays in the same apartment building with Dreyman, the playwright. He is instructed to investigate Dreyman on possible disloyalty by the minister who wants to separate him from his mistress Christa. He connects wires to eavesdrop any communication. Wiesler later comes to learn of his truthful and even defends the two lovers with any possible opportunity. His character can be emphasized using the rights ethical theory because he believes and respects the rights of the citizen. His ability to endure and show no emotion can also be explained using the deontology theories that are a state that an individual should stick to their roles in making any ethical decision. Bruno Hempf. He acts the role of the government minister in

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Grammer & Academic Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Grammer & Academic Writing - Essay Example The writer feels that his grammar has improved due to his constant usage of the language itself – be it in the form of written, spoken or reading comprehension. The hard work usually pays at the end on the part of the writer since he has been able to suggest quite a few changes to his repertoire of the vocabulary that he possessed back then (when he was starting on improving his grammatical acumen) and now. The change has been pretty obvious as he has taken giant strides and completely changed the way he sees the language as a result of the same undertakings. He has liked the whole concept of acquainting himself in line with learning the intricacies involved with grammar usage. However the strengths and weaknesses exist side by side and since man is always bent on a learning curve, the writer feels that there is still a long way to go before he could consider himself a fully developed native speaker, writer and a reader of repute. The strengths have been in the area of correct usage of nouns, pronouns, adverbs and adjectives. The writer has noticed that he is putting the required words at the end of the sentences where he used to fumble in the beginning of his quest. He has determined his weaknesses within this area and understood the manner by which the same have started to blossom as his strengths. This is surely a positive sign and suggests some good things for the future as far as acquainting himself with the language is concerned. In the end, the writer feels that he needs to back up his claims of improving his grammar by reading books, newspapers and above all, using the language with the people that he meets up with on a daily basis. He has to be proactive in his approach of the language so that his grammar improves and he starts to speak and write in a fluent manner. It is a given that this fluency would look good if correct usage of grammar is assured,

Saturday, August 10, 2019

PICOT research question created and abstracts to support Assignment

PICOT research question created and abstracts to support - Assignment Example RESULTS: Baseline and six-month quality of life measures did not correlate with recorded arrhythmias. However, perceptions of diminished general health correlated significantly with symptoms of exercise intolerance, lightheadedness/dizziness, palpitations and chest pain/pressure. By multivariable logistic regression, more severe perceived episodes, symptoms of exercise intolerance and lightheadedness/dizziness were independently associated with diminished quality of life. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: The findings of this study indicate that symptomatic  heart failure  patients suffer from poor quality of life and that interventions are needed to improve quality of life and decrease symptom severity. Nurses who care for  heart failure  patients play an essential role in symptom evaluation and management and could significantly improve overall quality of life in these patients by carefully evaluating symptomatology and testing interventions and educational programmes aimed at improving quality of life (Hickey, et al., 2102). METHODS: In a cross-sectional study of 318 patients with chronic systolic HF recruited in 48 German primary care practices, we evaluated the patient-reported European HF Self-care  Behaviour  scale (EHFScBs) assessments (range 12-60, where lower scores indicate better self-care). Potential determinants included socio-demographic (e.g. age, living status), clinical (e.g. NYHA class, LVEF, NT-proBNP levels, co-morbidities), behavioural (e.g. smoking and alcohol intake), psychosocial (SF-36 scales and KCCQ domains, e.g. quality of life and self-efficacy) and  depression  status (PHQ-D), plus previous health care utilisation. Mixed regression modelling was applied. RESULTS: Patients had a mean (SD) age of 69.0 (10.4) years and were 71% male. They had a good overall EHFScBs score of 24.7 (7.8) (n=274). In the final regression model (n=271), six determinants were retained (ÃŽ ²; descriptive p-value):

Strategy of international Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Strategy of international Business - Assignment Example The demand drivers for ABC could be the expansion in technology, country’s economic growth and the rising levels of disposable income. An environmental analysis of the company has been carried out as it will help in emphasizing the opportunities as well as recognizing the threats from which the company can get harm. International cultural diversity at ABC is explained. It focuses on the fact that the company welcomes ideas and opinion of their employees to ensure that they represent the international marketplace. They believe that having a diverse staff is crucial to their business. The control process and communication system of the company is also taken into consideration. Among the standardization and adaption approach, standardization approach has been suggested for the company because the standardization method influences the economies of scale which facilitates in lowering the cost. ABC, through their shows satisfies the various needs of audience, which is one of the cha racteristics of standardization approach. One of the main reasons for the adoption of standardization approach is that ABC does not need to differentiate its service or products from its peers as the company is already offering high rated shows on its channel. The marketing mix of the company is also taken into consideration. A market development strategy is suggested for ABC because all shows are already famous and loved by the existing customers and it can expand its business by tapping the new customers. The company could adopt several promotion strategies to make new customers aware of their shows. It has been also recommended that ABC should adopt licensing entry strategy because it will result in the augmentation of their revenue. International business includes entire commercial transactions such as governmental and private sales, transportations, logistics and investments that happen between different nations, countries and regions

Friday, August 9, 2019

Saving my best friend Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Saving my best friend - Essay Example But somehow we realized and took a vital move on our part by coming a bit towards the lower side. The trees and grass on the hilltop were hustling and bustling and the little rain that was present in the clouds had touched our fists every now and then. We know a thunderstorm was there any minute since the clouds started to turn black of all a sudden. They had the gashes of a bucket full of water that was waiting to come down on us hard. We knew we needed to hurry to reach our destination otherwise there was a wet day in the fields for us. There was something different however in the making. Something extremely terrible! As we hurried down the hill, Jim’s ankle sprained and he started to come down quickly. I ran after the sliding Jim and used all my might and force which I could offer at the time. I realized this was not enough. Somehow or the other, I had the presence of mind within me which started to make its mark. This made me reach for Jim who was stuck on the rock’s edge and his both feet were in the air, leading towards the valley down under. Had he fallen, it would have been the end of Jim’s life, his future and his dreams. More than anything else, his parents and friends would have lost a soul full of energy and wit fed into him. It suddenly dawned on me that I was wasting time thinking about all this! I needed to do something – something, no – the vital thing that would eventually save his life. I quickly started looking for a rope but I knew it would not be available there. I got hold of tiny pieces of cloth here and there. I instantly picked them up and tried to stick the pieces of cloth so that the end result would be in the form of a single cloth through which I could pull back Jim and thus bring a fresh lease of life in his desolate self. All this required tact and immense patience. Also I had to be brave and physically strong to pull Jim up since his body weight and height resembled mine. The pieces of cloth were

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Human Resource Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Human Resource Interview - Essay Example We are supported by the state government and our staff strength comprise of 440 full time and about 200 part time faculty/employees. While leading a non-profit organization my role is to supervise the smooth running of the institution and objective try to achieve the goals set by the vision and mission statement. I am responsible for managing the Human Resources and to arrange and organize funding, training and administration of this division. I report to the Principal. The mission statement: We identify and meet the educational needs, primarily of adults, in our principal geographic service area of northeast Dallas, Richardson, and Harland. We offer courses, programs, and services to enable students to achieve their educational goals, and become lifelong leaders, community builders, and global citizens. We enable employees to model excellence in their service to students, colleagues, and community. A2: We own several properties that have been converted into campuses. Richmond is located in Dallas and is the largest amongst them. It comprises of ten buildings surrounded by lakes and parks. Being environment friendly is one great challenge. The other is dealing with a great number of nationalities that constitute our students. Managing cultural diversities harmoniously is another great challenge. All this requires that the faculty and staff be very considerate and this is a great HRM challenge to ensure an amicable atmosphere all around. But this human capital needs monetary capital for training and compensation and that too poses a great challenge for me. A3: Of course there are other challenges that one faces in such a diverse and large organization. All problems relate to people in the end. However I see to it that I restrict my activities to my department only without bringing personal feelings or value judgments into actions or decisions. A4: My job requires for me to be

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

My best vacation to six flags Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My best vacation to six flags - Essay Example The number of people who attend six flags is sometimes overwhelming to the corporation because of the inflow of visitors to the amusement park. Casing point can be the 23.9 million visitors in 2009 who visited six flags from throughout the world. Six flags corporation has its branches throughout the states, and offers heart rendering services to its customers. The purpose of this essay is to discuss my best vacation to six flags and the things I saw and did (Newswire 11-15). My best vacation ever was to the Six Flags Great America as they own a property in the state. Six Flags Great America is the amusement park that I vacationed with my family, and to be sincere, I had the time of my life. Six flags America is a theme park in that is built on a 400-acre land and feature one of the largest collections of roller coaster that is in existence along the east coast. The amusement park was filled to capacity when I visited because most of the families prefer visiting the park during their vacation, and having fun due to the numerous services offered by the park. The history of the theme park is quite interesting as it offers a coaster that is air launched, and the interesting part is that it is the first of its kind in the world. The amusement park is spacious and has the capability of hosting around two million visitors from all over the world. The endless games that are present in the amusement park can cause a vast confusion because one wants to try out everything. One of the the most captivating game that I encountered was known as the Apocalypse (Newswire 11-15). The game was outstanding as it captured my imagination in every way possible and gave me a chance to interact with other people from all over the world. It was a dream come true for my parents to bring me to this awesome park that everyone talked about, and to get the chance of having firsthand experience in six flags America. The spectacular thing about six flags America is the fact that it has rides t hat are suitable for everyone. The rides had an adverse effect on the adrenaline rush and it was fun getting the chance to try out the family ride, roller-coaster, thrill rides and the hurricane harbor rides. All these were at an affordable price that were pocket friendly and captured the attention of most of the people (Newswire 11-15). The captivating part was the fact that the Hurricane Harbor provided wet rides which were unique and thrilling to everyone that was present in the amusement park. Everyone wanted a chance to try out the varieties of rides that were present, and sample out the many games that were offered by Six Flags Great America. My family and I attended the entertainment section where there was the existence of magicians, acrobats, animation and theatrics. It was a spectacular scene because some of the most famous entertainers were present in the amusement park. I can vividly remember a stand that had many different samples of food that were from all over the wor ld. The food section offered many exotic foods from different communities all over the world at an affordable price. To be sincere, I have never had a scrumptious meal like the one I had in the park and the services were magnificent. There were many choices of foods to choose from and had a taste of many cuisines. Six Flags Great America is an exceptional place to take the staff of a company, hold educational trips, youth groups, and reunions and take religious organizations. It is